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Presentation on theme: "Supercourse."— Presentation transcript:

1 Supercourse

2 What is the best route to improve global health?

3 Telepreventive Medicine
Using the Internet to reach large numbers of healthy people to prevent disease

4 public health world wide
Global Health Network Network everyone in public health world wide

5 WHO DIAMOND Project 155 Centers 70 Countries
19,212 Children Registered 7.2% of Children

6 WHO Collaborating Center GSPH Janice Dorman, Ph.D. Director Molecular Epidemiology Ronald LaPorte, Ph.D. Director Disease Monitoring and Telecommunications The work has been develop as part of our WHO Collaborating Center at the Graduate School of Public Health, University of Pittsburgh.


8 Global Life Expectancy
4,000,000 BC 20 years 1500 AD 30 years 1900 AD 40 years 2003 AD 70 years

9 Prevention Is Information Sharing

10 If Cars Developed as Same Pace as IT
             100,000 mi/hr 250,000 miles/gallon Cost = $5.00


12 How can we improve Prevention education worldwide?
Question: How can we improve Prevention education worldwide? Answer: The concept of the Supercourse is simple To improve the teaching of epidemiology, global health and the Internet in medical, veterinary, nursing schools one can improve the lectures. We hope to work to establish a supercourse for the Westernpacific region of WHO on Diabetes and other Non-communicable diseases. Get better lectures

13 But how do I get better lectures? Why don’t scientists share our most exciting PowerPoint lectures for free?

14 What makes good teaching?

15 A B Importance of Good Materials Which do you like better?
Sam and Dave A B

16 Supercourse Improving: Quality of Materials
Speed of Translation from Research to classroom

17 Supercourse Language of Science Helping Teachers Globalization
Copy Left Library of Lectures Quality Assurance Crossing the Digital Divide The Supercourse is very different than any other form of learning. It is Internet Learning, and consists of 11 different components each one of which have rarely been used. All 11 components have never been used together, until now. This combination serves as a very powerful tool, for the manufacture, distribution and utilization of lectures.

18 What is the new global language of teaching?

19 Helping Teachers

20 template lectures help?
Who will template lectures help? Experienced teachers New Educators

21 Last Biomedical Journal
                                                           University of Khartoum, Sudan Last Biomedical Journal 1980 Cuttington University, Liberia

22 Faculty can choose 1-2000 PowerPoint lectures
Library of Lectures The Supercourse supports the classroom teacher by providing outstanding lectures that they can use. These lectures reduce preparation time, and improve quality as the experts in the area are developing and sharing them. Faculty can choose PowerPoint lectures Assisting the Teacher

23 4000 from Developing Countries
Globalization 20,300 Faculty 4000 from Developing Countries 151 Countries

24 Lectures 2045

25 Copyright

26 Copy Left Freedom of use, no restriction for use
Goal is to make the program perpetually “free”, no restrictions for use and free charge

27 SHAREWARE Faculty sharing their most exciting, passionate lectures,
for free, an Open Source system In the area of software there is not the concept of open systems, or shareware. The mantra is “with enough eyes all bugs are shallow”. We in academia only have our eyes view our lectures. With many eyes viewing and commenting our lectures will improve. We share our lectures with colleague around the world.

28 The Man Who Discovered Quality
W. Edwards Deming Deming highlighted the importance of prediction for the improvement of the health of industry. The Man Who Discovered Quality


30 3000 Reviews 4.12/5.00

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