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Revolutions Review MWH 11.30.17.

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1 Revolutions Review MWH

2 PROCEDURE 1. Write three Level II questions and answers over the American, Haitian, and/or French Revolutions on one piece of paper.

3 PROCEDURE 1. Write three Level II questions and answers over the American, Haitian, and/or French Revolutions on one piece of paper. 2. Write your name and each question individually on separate pieces of paper. Don’t include answers.

4 PROCEDURE 1. Write three Level II questions and answers over the American, Haitian, and/or French Revolutions on one piece of paper. 2. Write your name and each question individually on separate pieces of paper. Don’t include answers. 3. Crinkle each paper into a ball.

5 PROCEDURE 1. Write three Level II questions and answers over the American, Haitian, and/or French Revolutions on one piece of paper. 2. Write your name and each question individually on separate pieces of paper. Don’t include answers. 3. Crinkle each paper into a ball. 4. SNOWBALL FIGHT! Be safe.

6 PROCEDURE 1. Write three Level II questions and answers over the American, Haitian, and/or French Revolutions on one piece of paper. 2. Write your name and each question individually on separate pieces of paper. Don’t include answers. 3. Crinkle each paper into a ball. 4. SNOWBALL FIGHT! Be safe. 5. Choose three random snowballs and answer the questions on two of them.

7 PROCEDURE 1. Write three Level II questions and answers over the American, Haitian, and/or French Revolutions on one piece of paper. 2. Write your name and each question individually on separate pieces of paper. Don’t include answers. 3. Crinkle each paper into a ball. 4. SNOWBALL FIGHT! Be safe. 5. Choose three random snowballs and answer the questions on two of them. 6. Check your answers with the creator.

8 Second Activity: Assemble Portfolios
Collect these assignments together and paperclip: “Ideas Spark Revolution” guided notes American Revolution packet French Revolution Documentary packet Egyptian vs. French Revolution notes and questions (if you were here Tuesday before break) “Roots of the French Revolution” guided notes Rise and Fall of Napoleon Four Ways Napoleon Impacted the World Your choice: American, Haitian, or French Rev. work >Item H will be completed today.

9 Second Activity: Use Portfolios
You will be assessed over this mini-unit about Revolutions via Socratic Circle and Kahoot on Friday. The rest of today is dedicated to your choice of one of the following activities (worth 16 pts). Incorporate it into your portfolio. American Revolution Haitian Revolution French Revolution and Napoleon >>> On Friday, there will be an open note Kahoot taken for an assignment grade as well. All material will come from notes.

10 Second Activity: Use Portfolios
For the Socratic Circle, I will be looking for display of content knowledge and analysis of these revolutions. Your questions = 6 pts Your performance = 14 pts (12 for content-based, meaningful performance, 2 for meaningful completion of Partner Evaluation) = 20 Assessment Points

11 Revolutions Assessment
Kahoot to review (taken for assignment grade – 15 pts) Socratic Circle (taken for assessment grade – 20 pts) > 6 pts for preparation and questions; 12 pts for meaningful, evidence-based participation, meaning asking and answering questions; 2 pts for meaningful completion of partner feedback form Organize desks Decide partners for feedback Review format and purpose of circle Begin!

12 Socratic Circle Guidelines
Participation is not an option. It is mandatory. If you do not participate meaningfully, you cannot earn higher than a C. Stay on topic and refer to evidence to form arguments. You must demonstrate respect for every other participant and their right to speak, even though you may not agree with (or even necessarily respect) their ideas. Think of that lovely Voltaire quote: “I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it.” Feel free to play the position of Devil’s Advocate, which means to argue against a popular or maybe even correct position, for the sake of refining that position or exercising critical thinking skills. Your job is to explore these revolutions, finding commonalities, differences, and meaning in this history. You are expected to both ask and answer questions. Don’t be afraid to show off what you know 

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