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Measurement Notes.

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Presentation on theme: "Measurement Notes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Measurement Notes

2 Measurement: compare an unknown value with a known value using standard units
We use the metric system so we can communicate internationally

3 Precision Degree of exactness. Same result over and over again
The smaller the units on a tool the greater the precision

4 Low accuracy Low precision High precision High accuracy

5 Measuring The more decimal places you have in an answer the more precise the instrument is Ruler: length (cm) 2 decimal places Beaker: volume (mL): whole # 100mL graduated cylinder: 1 decimal 10mL graduated cylinder: 2 decimal

6 Conversion practice 1000mg= ________g 2. 14kg = ________g
3. 160cm= ________mm

7 How many jumps does it take?
Ladder Method 1 2 3 KILO Units HECTO Units DEKA 10 Units DECI Unit Meters Liters Grams CENTI Unit MILLI Unit How do you use the “ladder” method? 1st – Determine your starting point. 2nd – Count the “jumps” to your ending point. 3rd – Move the decimal the same number of jumps in the same direction. 4 km = _________ m Starting Point Ending Point How many jumps does it take? 4. 1 __. 2 __. 3 __. = 4000 m

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