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Woodland Indians.

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1 Woodland Indians

2 Woodland Indians lived in villages and built small huts
Woodland Indians lived in villages and built small huts. They put fiber mats on the ground to sleep on.

3 Woodland Period (1000 B.C.- A.D. 1000)
Hunting became easier for the Woodland Culture. Woodlands invented the bow and arrow. Arrows were made of stone, shark teeth or deer antlers.

4 Woodland Indians are credited with the development of agriculture or farming.
They cleared fields and began to plant crops like sunflowers, squash, gourds, beans and maize. Nuts were also a very important food staple for Woodland Indians.

5 Woodland people learned how to make pottery last longer by mixing clay with sand and heating the containers in the fire. Woodland also used wooden paddles to make designs on their pottery.

6 The Woodland culture built cone shaped mounds for their dead
The Woodland culture built cone shaped mounds for their dead. They adorned bodies with necklaces, bracelets, rings, and copper or bone combs. Families and friends would put special funeral pottery, tobacco pipes, tools, and weapons in graves, they believed in an some type of life after death.

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