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Mother Night Day 4: Allegiances.

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1 Mother Night Day 4: Allegiances

2 Journal 4 - Stage Five “‘We all cling to something,’ I said.
‘To the wrong things—’ he said” (115). Heinz Schildknecht clung to his motorcycle, but allowed Howard to use it anyway. What is it that you cling to and why?

3 The Riddle of the Sphinx
Illustrate the following: “‘What creature walks in the morning on four feet, at noon on two feet, at evening on three?’ ‘Man,’ said Helga, huskily” (82).

4 What is a Silent Discussion?
You will need to respond to the prompts on the PowerPoint in writing on your own paper. After 1 minute, you will pass your paper to another person. You will read and respond to what is written on the paper you traded for. This will be done 2-3 times and then you will get your own paper back to read the responses. Remember to always write your name by what you write in order to get credit for your thoughts. Speaking during this discussion will effect your grade. Hence, the silent part of the name.

5 “Drawn crudely in the dust of three window-panes were a swastika, a hammer and sickle, and the Stars and Stripes. I had drawn the three symbols weeks before, at the conclusion of an argument about patriotism with Kraft. I had given a hearty cheer for each symbol, demonstrating to Kraft the meaning of patriotism to, respectively, a Nazi, a Communist, and an American” (Vonnegut 81). Is there a difference between the three in relation to patriotism?

6 Relate this to the first moral:
Helga’s way to the U.S. was paid by people that appreciated Howard because he had “the courage to tell the truth during the war…when everybody else was telling lies” (83). Relate this to the first moral: “We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be” (v). Is the truth relative?

7 “‘Happiness has no place in war’” (98).
What is the purpose of war? Can war bring happiness?

8 “‘You’re going to bury it?’ he said.
‘I suppose I’d better,’ I said. ‘If you don’t,’ he said, ‘somebody will eat it’” (105). What does this tell us about war? How else might civilians not involved in the fight be effected/affected by war?

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