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Stakeholder Context Diagram

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Presentation on theme: "Stakeholder Context Diagram"— Presentation transcript:

1 Stakeholder Context Diagram
Organizational Seals and Roles

2 <Material Solution> Stakeholders
Template Instructions Insert the name of the Material Solution being acquired in the slide title Material Solution Element - Replace the Material Solution cloud with a graphical representation of the Material Solution being acquired by the program (or simply insert the name of the Material Solution) Stakeholder Elements – Replace placeholders with organizational seals or some other graphical representation of the stakeholder Replace the <Organization> placeholder with the organization or the name of the stakeholder Replace the <Role> placeholder with the stakeholder role for each stakeholder in the Material Solution acquisition. TIPS: Review the example on slide 3 for example organizations and roles <Material Solution> Stakeholders <Organization> (<Role>) Org Seal <Organization> (<Role>) Org Seal <Organization> (<Role>) Org Seal <Organization> (<Role>) Org Seal <Organization> (<Role>) Org Seal <Organization> (<Role>) Org Seal <Organization> (<Role>) Org Seal <Organization> (<Role>) Org Seal <Material Solution Name> <Organization> (<Role>) Org Seal <Organization> (<Role>) Org Seal <Organization> (<Role>) Org Seal <Organization> (<Role>) Org Seal <Organization> (<Role>) Org Seal <Organization> (<Role>) Org Seal <Organization> (<Role>) Org Seal <Organization> (<Role>) Org Seal

3 NextGen Joint C2 Stakeholders
Example NextGen Joint C2 Stakeholders JS/J6 CCD (Operational Sponsor) JS/J3 CSOD (C2 Advisor) DoD CIO (MDA) DISA/SD (MDA [Delegated]) DOT&E (Test Oversight/Governance) Combatant Commands (Customer) NextGen Joint C2 System JITC (OTA) Service/Defense Intel PMOs (Material Solution Consumers) JITC (Interoperability Test) JS/J6 I&S (NR KPP) NextGen Joint C2 (Defense Industrial Base) JITC (IA Certifier) JS/J6 (Architecture) DIA (Security Controls Assessor) USSTRATCOM (Authorizing Official)

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