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1 CARONA VERDE Youngreen
EsCOLA ALEMÃ CORCOVADO (german school corcovado) Rio De Janeiro - Brazil

2 BRAINSTORMING When we became aware of the Renault Project, we started collecting ideas for sustainable mobility, road safety and traffic. Because of the big amounts of cars in the street, we decided to do the “Carona Verde” Project. We settled down at creating the project which seeks a decrease of cars in the city and the sharing of rides by the students offering more safety and less CO2 emission.

3 FINDING THE PROBLEM We ran series of tests made to analyze this issue, for example measuring the line of cars outside the school and formulating questions to students as for their methods of transportation. We found out that about 70% of the students could offer rides, 163 cars were at the school line before the first lesson, in a 10 minute break and after the last lesson about 27 to 34 cars were wanting to enter the garage. Besides that hold ups are common here the school. (All researches were kept anonymous to protect people`s privacy.)

4 INITIATIVES We began to notify students and parents about our project with help of the students representatives. Those who are interested on the project could send us s soliciting rides or offering place in their car. Then we started dividing the rides in to groups determined by where and when the pick up would be. The group seeks to expand the project by offering bike, bus and walking groups to offer more security against muggings. We also are inviting more students to participate in the project by hanging posters at school.

5 SPREADING THE PROJECT During the creation of the project a part from our group was responsible for developing a logo and the artistic side of our posters. The posters were written on Portuguese and German in order for all the students and teachers to understand.

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