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Good Morning! 9.26.2017 Today you need your book, your notebook and your worksheet from yesterday.

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Presentation on theme: "Good Morning! 9.26.2017 Today you need your book, your notebook and your worksheet from yesterday."— Presentation transcript:

1 Good Morning! Today you need your book, your notebook and your worksheet from yesterday.

2 Today! Today we will: Finish our “Why Folks Must Die” worksheet
Conference about essays Have some time to work on rewrites or read/ work on book reports NOTE: To change images on this slide, select a picture and delete it. Then click the Insert Picture icon in the placeholder to insert your own image.

3 Decoding the system Perfect! Don’t change a thing! 33 points
Decent, but could have been better. 22 points Good attempt, but rewrite this section. 11 points

4 Rewrites Feel free to rewrite your essay for a better grade. You need to turn in your rewrite by Thursday the 28th so I have time to grade it before the six weeks ends. I will always take the highest grade for the gradebook. Need help with your rewrite? I am available for tutorials Wednesday and Thursday. Remember to sign up for the late bus.

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