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Lineman Contact.

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Presentation on theme: "Lineman Contact."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lineman Contact

2 Accident Overview 2 man crew replacing a 3 phase meter loop at transformer pole Cutouts feeding transformer are open Contact is made between top of center phase cutout and the neutral One journeyman and one apprentice. The apprentice was the one in the air.

3 Job: Replace meter loop

4 Job site

5 Take off pole, 3 spans away approx 900ft.
Center fuse open when contact was made. The circuit dis not open. The reclosure at the sub did go through an operation Nothing else was being feed off this tap Crew had to drive by the pole

6 Notice that the leads aren’t lifted
Notice that the leads aren’t lifted. Cutouts are attached with hotline clamps. Why didn’t they lift the taps and work it de-energized or better yet ground it? While the apprentice was in the air the lineman on the ground was on the phone with the electrician to ask some questions After hanging the meter loop the guy on the ground reloaded the fuses and started to hang them with an extendo stick. While attempting to hang the second cutout he heard the contact but never saw it. By the time he got to the back of the truck the man in the air was already coming down.

7 19inches Contact points. What is our MAD?

8 Bright spots is the point of contact on the cutout


10 Tool being used

11 Jacket being worn. The meter socket in the pic is the one that was replaced

12 Is this a proper jacket to be worn will working energized lines?

13 Glove being worn by the lineman. Notice the hole.
Rubber Gloves were in the cab of the truck

14 How would you have done this job?

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