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Gender, Number, and Articles in Spanish

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1 Gender, Number, and Articles in Spanish
Los Artículos Gender, Number, and Articles in Spanish

2 Gender and Number Classifying words as masculine or feminine and singular or plural

3 Lesson Objectives Classify words as masculine or feminine based on word endings Make singular words plural Differentiate between definite and indefinite articles in Spanish and explain their usage Use correct articles that agree in gender and number

4 Gender and Number In Spanish, all objects have gender and are considered masculine or feminine. Gender can be determined by word endings.

5 Gender can be determined by looking at the end of a word.
Feminine endings Masculine endings a (puerta) ión (instrucción) d (usually -tad or -dad; these are like the English -ty) o (e.g., libro) most consonants (e.g., borrador)

6 Gender Most common exceptions: words that are actually masculine:
el día (day), el mapa (map), certain words ending in -ma (poema, sistema, programa) common feminine exception: la mano (hand)

7 Let’s identify these as masculine (M) or feminine (F).
Mochila Dirección Banco Pared Pizarrón F F M F M

8 On page 3 of your notes, identify each word as (F)eminine or (M)asculine.
1. _____ lápiz 6. ____ silla 2. _____ bolígrafo 7. ____ papel 3. _____ pizarra 8. ____ cuaderno 4. _____ professor 9. ____ reloj 5. _____ dirección ____ electricidad

9 Number agreement In Spanish, all objects have number:
 singular (1 thing)  plural (more than 1) To make a word plural: Add 's' for words ending in vowels (libro -> libros)  Add 'es' for consonants (pizarrón -> pizarrones)  Words that end in 'z': change z -> c and add -es   (lápiz -> lápic-  -> lápices) Words that end in 's': don't change the ending, just the article (a/an/the)

10 Practice on p. 4 Make these words plural: Borrador _______________
Mochila ________________ Feliz ___________________ Plural words have gender, too! Circle the plural endings (s or es) and identify the vocabulary words as masculine or feminine. 1. ___Lápices 2. ___ papeles 3. ___ pizarras 4. ____ bolígrafos

11 Los Artículos Definidos (Definite Articles)
Definite articles mean the There are FOUR of these in Spanish. Examples ____ libros (the books) ____ mochila (the backpack) Masculine Feminine Singular El La Plural Los Las los la

12 Practice Set 1 (Handouts, p. 3)
Fill in the blanks with the correct definite article (word for the). 1. _________ bolígrafos 2. _________ puerta 3. _________ lápiz 4. _________ pizarras 5. _________ lápices

13 Practice Set 1 (Handouts, p. 4)
Fill in the blanks with the correct definite article (word for the). 1. _________ poema 2. _________ libertad 3. _________ direcciones 4. _________ día 5. _________ clase

14 Los Artículos Indefinidos (Indefinite Articles)
Definite articles mean a, an, or some Examples ____ libros (some books) ____ mochila (a backpack) Masculine Feminine Singular Un Una Plural Unos Unas unos una

15 Fill in the blanks with the correct indefinite article.
1. ___________ sacapuntas 2. ___________ libertad 3. ___________ direcciones 4. ___________ día 5. ___________ borrador

16 Practicamos Complete the independent practice on page 5.

17 Gender and Number Using gender and number to describe classroom items

18 Using gender and number for descriptions
In Spanish, all parts of a sentence must agree in gender (masculine/feminine) and number (singular/plural). All adjectives come AFTER the nouns! Example: el libro rojo (the red book) Adjectives must change to agree in gender and number Example: el libro rojo  los libros rojos (make it all match!)

19 Using gender and number for descriptions
To change a masculine word to describe something feminine: If it ends in –o, change to _-a_ Rojo roja If it ends in –r, add _-a_ Trabajador (hardworking)  trabajadora Most words that end in other letters do not change for gender Examples: Verde, gris

20 Practicamos (p. 6) Make these plural: El libro rojo El estudiante alto
El libro grande La silla blanca La alumna buena

21 Practicamos (p. 6) Make these feminine: El estudiante bueno
El amigo fantástico El chico trabajador

22 Review In this unit, you: Identified classroom items and people
Described classroom objects using adjectives for color, shape, and size Determined the gender of those words using word endings Learned to write descriptive phrases using articles, nouns and adjectives that agree in gender and number

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