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Register to receive text messages

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1 Register to receive text messages
We will be using this textbook. You can access it online at: Registration Code: Classroom Rules: Respect Yourself Respect Others Respect This Class Coach Miller (903) Conference: 8th Period Supply List Spiral Notebook Colored Pens Avid Binder Register to receive text messages To: 81010 When you sign up, remind101 will not share your phone number/ address so everything stays private! Detention 7th Science Before School *Between 6:30-7:50 (No later than 7:20am) After School * 3:25-4:00pm Lunch Detention TBD Syllabus Grading Policy 50% Daily Grades 50% Test Since test are heavily weighted, it is important all homework is done in a timely manner to ensure understanding and keep grades up. Detentions will be served for late or missing work. Highest grade on late work is a 70% I will not except late work after the 3 weeks is up. Tutoring Students who are needing extra help can come see me after school during the fall and at scheduled times in the spring.

2 I have read and understand the course guide.
7th Science Course Guide I have read and understand the course guide. _________________________________ Student Name Student Signature _____________ Date _________________________________ Parent/Guardian Name Parent/Guardian Signature _____________ Date

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