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Be prepared to go outside.

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1 Be prepared to go outside.
Friday, February 22, 2019 Objective: YWBAT eradicate invasive species. Drill: Name at least one nonnative species to the Chesapeake Bay. Be prepared to go outside. Homework Play Outside!

2 Answer Blue Catfish. Mute Swans Zebra Mussels Nutria. Phragmites. Purple Loosestrife. Emerald Ash Borer Chinese Mitten Crab. European Gypsy Moth.

3 Did you know…? Phragmites is a perennial plant with feathery plumes at the top of tall, stiff stalks. It grows in wetlands, along roadsides and along shorelines throughout the Bay watershed. Although its origin is unclear, it is widely distributed across Europe, Asia, Africa, North America and Australia. It was introduced to North America inadvertently in the 19th century from the ballasts of Eurasian trade ships. Phragmites crowd out native plants by creating tall, dense stands in wetland habitats.

4 Phragmites eradication Conclusion…maybe
Today’s Activities Drill Phragmites eradication Conclusion…maybe

5 Write an identifying description of Phragmites.
Closure Write an identifying description of Phragmites.

6 Closure Answer Type of bedrock Climate Local topography
Type of organisms present

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