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Psalm 45:1-5 ( Tune: God Is the Fountain)

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Presentation on theme: "Psalm 45:1-5 ( Tune: God Is the Fountain)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Psalm 45:1-5 ( Tune: God Is the Fountain)
Words: The Book of Psalms for Singing, 45A Music: God Is the Fountain, Lowell Mason Arrangement: Chris Reeves

2 1. My heart doth o-ver-flow; a no-ble theme I sing. My tongue’s a
skil - ful writ- er’s pen to speak a - bout the King.

3 2. More fair than sons of men, thy lips with grace o’er-flow…
…be-cause his bless - ing ev - er more did God on thee be-stow.

4 3. Thy sword gird on thy thigh, O thou su-preme in might…
…and gird thy- self with maj - es ty and with thy splen-dor bright.

5 4. To vic - tor - y ride forth for meek-ness, truth, and right…
….and may thy right hand teach to thee the deeds of dread-ful might.

6 5. Thine ar-rows sharp-ened are, men un-der thee to bring…
…to pierce the heart of en - em ies who fight a - gainst the King.

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