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TT Rockstars Parents Workshop

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Presentation on theme: "TT Rockstars Parents Workshop"— Presentation transcript:

1 TT Rockstars Parents Workshop
Welcome to our Parents workshop – please take a seat, we will begin shortly 

2 Welcome!

3 Multiplication and the future
In 2020, schools will be starting a mandatory multiplication test in Year 4 to gauge the maths knowledge of students. It will be a multiplication and division test focusing on the 12 times tables conducted on computers.

4 So what do we need to do as a school?

5 Why do we need this? Multiplication underpins most areas of maths from area to fractions and beyond. There is a strong link between times table and division fact knowledge and SATS performance and overall engagement with maths.

6 sround/40554652

7 The launch of TTRockstars
We have recently launched TTRockstars to our school to massive excitement and engagement. We have invested in the scheme for a year with the hope to make it a tool for our students to use. We have inter-class competitions and even in-class league tables.

8 Why we love this (as Students)
It’s fun! It’s versatile – it has an app on iOS and android tablets and phones It is exciting to play against friends. It rewards learning and improving.

9 Why we love this (as Teachers)
Engaging and fun learning for our students Clear and easy progress which we can monitor in the school Builds both in to our curriculum AND our engagement with maths.

10 Data is can provide us with



13 Lets look at the site

14 What Impact has this had already?
We have already established a league for our KS2 classes at Markyate. We have seen a marked improvement in multiplication testing and performance in school. We have also seen a real investment with parents and carers in the scheme.

15 Lets have a head to head game!

16 The future of TTRockstars at Markyate!
In December, we will have our first Markyate TTRockstars Wrangle – this will be a school wide competition where the best and brightest have the chance to win a trophy! These will be every term going forward with children having an exciting and engaging challenge to promote maths in our school.

17 Next steps! Speak to your class teacher if you are missing a log in or have any further queries. Try the app on your phone or tablet. Take an interest in our school and community league tables. Watch out for the TTRockstars Wrangle in December.

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