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“When you go to throw something away,

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Presentation on theme: "“When you go to throw something away,"— Presentation transcript:

1 “When you go to throw something away,
Remember… There is no away!

2 Cigarette Butts (The following images by artist: Chris Jordan)

3 Circuit Boards

4 Crushed Cars

5 Oil Barrels

6 Compacted Trash

7 Glass

8 Cell phones

9 Chargers

10 Plastic Bottles Close-up

11 What happened to this baby albatross?

12 Same thing that happened to these: mother birds feed their young small bits they find. Young birds starve when their stomachs are filled with plastics.

13 Some other things we can do with plastic waste:

14 Lighting Design

15 Artist: Willie Cole

16 Willie Cole

17 David Hammons

18 El Anatsui

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