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Reasons Why People Use Drugs

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Presentation on theme: "Reasons Why People Use Drugs"— Presentation transcript:

1 Reasons Why People Use Drugs
Fun TEMPORARY escape from problems Bored Available Experiment Rebellion Peer Pressure/Fit in Illness/Injury

2 How Drugs Enter The Body
Orally (Swallowed) Inhaled Smoked Applied to the skin Injected Mainline Intra muscular Skin popping

3 Central Nervous System (CNS)
Made up of the brain, the spinal cord and nerves

4 Drug Classifications Stimulants: Speed up CNS
Depressants: Slow down CNS Narcotics: An opiate derived from the poppy plant. Narcotics numb the senses. Hallucinogens: Cause hallucinations (change the way people see/hear/feel). May cause bad trips or flashbacks. Marijuana: Classified in its own group Inhalants: Sniffing fumes of a substance to get a hallucinogenic like high.

5 Definitions Drug:A chemical that changes the structure or function of the body and/or mind. Drug use:Using a LEGAL drug as it was supposed to be used…following the directions Over the counter (OTC): Do not need a doctors order Prescription (Rx): Do need a doctors order Drug misuse:Using a LEGAL drug but failing to follow the directions (too many, too often or for the wrong reasons). Drug abuse: Heavily misusing a LEGAL drug or any ILLEGAL drug use.

6 Definitions Euphoria: Feeling of lightheadedness or being high.
Tolerance: You need to increase the amount or the strength of the drug to get the original affect of the drug Synergism: 2+ drugs taken together to increase the high…this also increases the risk of overdose.

7 Definitions Dependence/Addiction: A NEED for the drug
Psychological: Need to have the drug for a sense of well being (the mind) Physical: Need to have the drug to feel ok and not get sick (the body) Withdrawal: Physical response that occurs when a PHYSICALLY dependent individual stops taking the drug. Headaches, shaking, nausea, joint/muscle pain, sweating…may take days/weeks/months

8 GATEWAY DRUGS Many people begin to experiment with the gateway drugs.
Alcohol Tobacco Marijuana Inhalants are considered pre-gateway drugs #1 drug of choice for younger individuals (i.e. 8th graders Using gateway drugs may lead to abuse of the drug or experimentation with other “harder” drugs.

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