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Request for Approval to Proceed to Public Hearing on the Triennial Review of Surface Water Quality Standards.

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Presentation on theme: "Request for Approval to Proceed to Public Hearing on the Triennial Review of Surface Water Quality Standards."— Presentation transcript:

1 Request for Approval to Proceed to Public Hearing on the Triennial Review of Surface Water Quality Standards

2 Overview Why Triennial Review?
What are Surface Water Quality Standards? Current Package Request

3 Why Triennial Review? Clean Water Act (CWA) § 303(c)(1)
Hold public hearing to obtain recommendations on changes to surface water quality standards Make changes as appropriate At least once every three years NC’s last Triennial Review completed in 2007

4 Surface Water Quality Standards
Beneficial use designations (classifications) Numeric levels & narrative statements regarding allowable levels and conditions (criteria) Antidegradation language

5 How the water is classified …
affects the level of protection that must be provided

6 Surface Water Quality Standards
Numeric Dissolved oxygen: for trout waters - not less than 6.0 mg/l; for non-trout waters - not less than a daily average of 5.0 mg/l with a minimum instantaneous value of not less than 4.0 mg/l; Narrative Floating solids, settleable solids, or sludge deposits: only such amounts attributable to sewage, industrial wastes or other wastes as shall not make the water unsafe or unsuitable for aquatic life and wildlife or impair the waters for any designated uses;

7 Surface Water & Wetland Standards
15A NCAC 02B .0100s – Procedures for Assignment of Water Quality Standards – Water Quality Standards .0230 & –Wetland Standards .0300s – Classifications

8 EPA Criteria & State WQ Standards
National Criteria = starting point States may adopt or modify based on state-specific conditions

9 Current Triennial Review Package …
Proposals approved by EMC to go to public hearing in March 2010 Fiscal Note required by State is in progress Parameters proposed for modification: Chlorophyll a for mountains & upper Piedmont Metals 2,4 D (herbicide)

10 Request US EPA - a public hearing to satisfy CWA obligations
Requesting that the current package be put on hold Requesting permission to hold a public hearing, as soon as possible, to obtain input from interested stakeholders on changes to the NC surface water quality standards

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