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Introduction Paul’s first missionary journey:
Isle of Cyprus: Acts 13:4-12 Then to Asia Minor: Acts 13:13-56 Cities of Iconium, Lystra, Derbe. Despite stoning and obvious danger, retraces steps through same cities. On second journey Paul and Silas revisit these same Galatian cities: Acts 15 & 16
Introduction Paul had great love for the Galatian brethren:
Converting them had nearly cost him his life. Sadly they were enamored with “another gospel”: Gal. 1:6-9; 3:1 Paul was very worried about them: Gal. 3:4 Obvious tender bond between them and Paul: Gal. 4:14-16 Paul longs for their spiritual growth: Gal. 2:20; 4:19-20
Until Christ Be Formed in You Galatians 4:19-20
Unselfish love and service to others
Christ was the most unselfish, humble person that ever lived: Phil. 2:1-8; 2 Cor. 8:9 We are to love each other as He loved us: Jn. 13:34-35 Love is the greatest aspect of our faith: 1 Cor. 13:1-8a Our love must take action: Jas. 2:15-17; Eph. 4:1-3 Involves sharing material things: 1 Jn. 3:16-17 Requires service to others: Jn. 13:12-17 What comes to your mind when something needs to be done? Matt. 20:26-27 Until Christ Be Formed in You
Spirit of self-denial and obedience
Christ had to learn obedience, so must we: Heb. 5:8-9 Jesus pattern of self-denial and obedience began early in His youth: Lk. 2:49, 52 Jesus never entertained any other thought than obedience to His Father: Jn. 5:30; Matt. 26:39; Jn. 19:30 We can’t be saved without the willing sacrifice of obedience: Rom. 12:1-2; Gal. 5:19-24; Matt. 5:29; 2 Cor. 7:1 Until Christ Be Formed in You
Until Christ Be Formed in You
Spirit of submission Imagine the spirit of submission it took for Jesus to voluntarily sacrifice Himself: Matt. 26:36-44; Heb. 5:7; Matt. 26:53-54 Submission is an important lessons to teach our children: Eph. 6:1-4 Submission can’t be forced, it must come from the heart: 1 Pet. 5:5-6; Phil. 2:8-9 Many submissive roles: 1 Cor. 11:3; Eph. 5:22-23; Heb. 13:17 Until Christ Be Formed in You
Love of truth and right; hatred of sin and error
Jesus always jealously held to the truth, never compromised with error: Jn. 2:16-17; 8:42-45 Threw out moneychangers: Jn. 2:16-17 Condemned the Jews for rejecting truth: Jn. 8:42-45 Criticized a close disciple: Matt. 16:23 Our defense of the truth is more important than most realize: Matt. 15:6-9, 12, 13-14 We must uphold the truth and expose false teachers: Phil. 1:17; Isa. 8:20; Phil. 3:1-2, 17-19; Eph. 4:15; 5:11; Gal. 2 Until Christ Be Formed in You
Deep desire to spread the message of salvation
Jesus called and trained men to spread the gospel: Matt. 4:17-20 He taught them to be bold, fearless and persistent: Matt. 10:1-7, 27 Jesus gave the “Great Commission” to His apostles, but it is applicable to all generations (including us!): Matt. 28:18- 20; 2 Tim. 2:2 Until Christ Be Formed in You
Conclusion We must obey the gospel and grow spiritually so that Christ is formed in us: Gal. 4:19 Have you made the first step? Are you a Christian? Gal. 3:26-27; Eph. 1:3 If you’re not “in Christ,” you’re lost! 2 Thess. 1:7-9 If you’re “in Christ,” has Christ been formed in you? Regardless: Matt. 11:28-30
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