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Rainbow B time-lapse results

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1 Rainbow B time-lapse results
Monitoring fluid injection using time-lapse analysis: a Rainbow Lake case study By Hannah Tran Ng, Larry Bentley, Ed Krebes November 19, 2004 Significance: time-lapse is not usually done for carbonate pools. Usually done for clastic reservoirs in the North sea. Data used: seismic data and CMG simulation data and geological data: now combine all three to make an interpretation I did some modeling but that didn’t work. Gassmann equation doesn’t work for this but there is no problem because the pore type affects the results Hannah T Ng

2 Gas and solvent were injected into the Rainbow B pool, a carbonate reservoir, to help extract the remaining oil OBJECTIVE To determine the locations of the injected gas and solvent using time-lapse analysis

3 What is time-lapse analysis?
4D seismic - 4th dimension is calendar time Refers to repeating a seismic survey after a period of time in an effort to image changes that could have occurred in a reservoir Time-lapse analysis is useful: Improve production by finding bypassed oil reservoir changes in between wells can be detected

4 Significance of Study Not much time-lapse work done on carbonates because the fluid changes are difficult to detect BUT, time-lapse analysis of Rainbow B shows that the fluid changes are bigger than expected due to the pore geometry

5 Main result Time-lapse analysis appears to detect the presence of gas and solvent in some, but not all locations

6 Outline Background Time-lapse results:
Time-delay map Amplitude change map Compare time-lapse results to geology and engineering data


8 Rainbow B pool: 5.6 km * 2.1 km Thickness of ~200 m Depth ~ 1800 m
Rainbow B time-lapse results Alberta Doesn’t matter about injection sites b/c things always get injected and produced so don’t really know where the oil and gas is located. Maybe take out well and because nothing changed between those times. Rainbow B pool: km * 2.1 km Thickness of ~200 m Depth ~ 1800 m Hannah T Ng

9 Seal rock: evaporitic Muskeg member
Reservoir rock: Keg River formation (mostly dolomitic) is producing oil Seal rock: evaporitic Muskeg member (Laflamme, 1993)

10 Pore geometry Pore geometry affects the velocity changes
Fluid substitution in low pore aspect ratio (cracks) rock causes greater velocity change than high pore aspect ratio (round) rock. (Kuster & Toksoz, 1974) Rainbow B reef is mostly vuggy and has a low pore aspect ratio. The Gassmann equation underpredicts the velocity changes

11 Rainbow B time-lapse results
Core from well 7-10: reef mostly dolomitized High porosity Vuggy Intergranular Hannah T Ng

12 Rainbow Pool Timeline 1965 – pool was discovered and oil produced by natural drives: primary production 1968 – pool waterflooded: secondary production 1984 – miscible gas and solvent injection: tertiary production 1987 – 3D seismic data acquired in area 2002 – 3D seismic data acquired again

13 Fluid contacts from 1987 to 2002 Red: gas & solvent Green: oil
Blue: water

14 Gas Plus Solvent Thickness (m)
1987 2002 Difference


16 Seismic changes expected from the injection of gas and solvent

17 Rainbow B time-lapse results
1987 seismic data (Base) Crossline 130 Raw data, 1987 Hannah T Ng

18 Rainbow B time-lapse results
2002 seismic data (Monitor) higher frequency content 2002 data Hannah T Ng

19 Rainbow B time-lapse results
Difference between the 1987 and the 2002 survey Differece between shifted and 1987 Hannah T Ng

20 Time-delay map (ms)

21 Difference RMS amplitude map from 1987 to 2002


23 Isochron map (Keg River to Cold Lake)
Time-delay map (ms)

24 Fluid thickness difference (m)
Time-delay map (ms)

25 Gassmann calculated time-delay map (s)
Time-delay map (ms)

26 Porosity type Red: large vugs
Green: vuggy with reservoir quality porosity Blue: intergranular Porosity type map Time-delay map (ms)

27 Conclusions Time-lapse analysis detected the injected fluids in some, but not all locations. Time-delay results are most useful Vuggy areas show more response than intergranular areas Amplitude change and impedance change results were not useful Gassmann equation underpredicts the velocity change

28 Acknowledgements Husky Energy for the data U of C CREWES group
Larry Mewhort has helped me tremendously in supplying data and suggestions Ken Hedlin for his suggestions Andre Laflamme – geologist who showed me the cores Larry Carr and the Husky B Pool Asset Team Engineers and Geologists – for CMG simulation results U of C CREWES group John Zhang, Ying Zou Hampson-Russell Keith Hirsche Francis Ma

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