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Initial Meeting 21st October 2014

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1 Initial Meeting 21st October 2014
Northumberland 2015 Initial Meeting 21st October 2014

2 When? Monday 15th June 2015- Friday 19th June 2015
Times to be finalised closer to the date but likely to be: 8.15am departure from school on Monday Arriving back by 5.30pm on Friday

3 Cost: £320 This includes: Coach Travel for the week with Lambs coaches and the infamous Ian! Accommodation at Broomley Grange Food from Monday evening meal – Friday Lunch Entrance to all sights and activities

4 Staff Ms Hulme- Visit Leader Mrs Tittershill
Plus at least 2 others to be finalised

5 Accommodation: Broomley Grange
Broomley Grange sits in twenty-two acres of private grounds in the stunning county of Northumberland near to the Roman Hadrian's Wall. Situated 25 minutes from Newcastle City Centre, Broomley Grange has its own unique history (dating back to 1897) Bed rooms range from 4 to 10 people per room


7 Food All home cooked. Cooked breakfast with toast and cereals.
Lunch – sandwiches ordered from a choice of fillings the night before, drink, fruit, crisps and a homemade sweet treat! Evening meal

8 Activities to include A visit to York’s Chocolate story and Workshop.
A boat trip around the Farne Islands and costal walks alongside the castles of Northumberland. Walking the Roman wall. Reliving the past at the Roman army museum and surveying the Roman forts of Vindolanda and Housesteads. A trip to Beamish working museum to see how people the people of North East England lived during the Georgian, Victorian, and Edwardian periods.

9 Likely Itinerary Monday: York Chocolate Story and Workshop Tuesday: Farne Islands boat trip, Craster Beach and Dunstanburgh Castle Wednesday: Housteads, Vindolanda and Walk along the Wall Thursday: Beamish Friday: Roman Army Museum


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