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BASEAL Getting on and falling out -1

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1 BASEAL Getting on and falling out -1

2 I can tell you lots of ways to give
‘friendship tokens’ to other people.

3 What makes a good friend?
What do we look for in a friend? What do we offer to our friends?

4 Let’s look at some ‘friendship’ pictures to
see what is happening in them. We will need to try to work out how the different people feel and must remember what we find out. We shall need the information later.

5 What is happening here? Have you ever been in a situation like this? What would your face look like? How would your body feel on the inside? Which words could you use to describe the feeling?




9 Work with a partner to make a story or a comic strip,
a play or a talk to show how ONE of the feelings we have identified has been important to you in the past. or…. you could write a poem or a story using the quality as the title.

10 Remember how in the assembly story people gave each other friendship tokens.
Are the same things important in a friend now that you are in Y4 as when you were in Reception infants? Do we use the same friendship tokens?

11 What is the best friendship token you
have ever given or received?

12 BASEAL Getting on and falling out -2

13 I know how it feels to be overwhelmed by feelings of anger.
L.O.1 I understand why it is important to calm down before I am overwhelmed by feelings of anger. L.O.2. I can tell you some ways I can stop myself being overwhelmed by feelings of anger. L.O.3 I know how it feels to be overwhelmed by feelings of anger.

14 You have done some work about ANGER before.
Let’s look at some of the photocards which show ANGER. We will talk about what is happening in each picture.

15 D:\data_folder\downloads\photocards\seal_angry1.jpg

16 .


18 .

19 There is also the “Feelings Detective” poster which helps us understand a little about the way our body and brain react to changes in our feelings.


21 Remember that anger is like a firework.

22 The first stage is when something triggers your anger
The first stage is when something triggers your anger. What sort of things might be a trigger?

23 The second stage is the build up of anger
The second stage is the build up of anger. This is when our bodies and minds start changing and reacting. How might we recognise this?

24 Using a human outline diagram draw what happens to the different body parts when you get angry.
There is an expression linked with anger which says that someone may have “a short fuse”. What does this mean? The shortness of our “ fuse” could depend on how tired we are, what has happened already or how we are feeling.

25 The buckets of water stand for ways in which a burning fuse can be put out.
What do you do to help you calm down when you are angry?

26 NOT USED and you do not CALM DOWN what will happen?
If the buckets of water are NOT USED and you do not CALM DOWN what will happen?


28 Try to remember a time when you were the angriest
you have ever been. Maybe when you had “lost it”! How did the anger feel - not the events leading up to the anger but the anger itself? Work with a partner to find answers to the questions on the next slide.

29 How did the anger feel? Which words could you use to describe the anger?
Did anyone try to calm you down? How did that feel? Did it work? Did anyone threaten to punish you? How did that feel? Did it work? What did other people do? How long did it take to calm down afterwards? What is the best thing for you to do if you ‘lose it’? How did you feel afterwards?


31 BASEAL Getting on and falling out - 3

32 L.O.1 I can take on a role in a group and contribute to the overall outcome. L.O.2 I can discuss in a group how well we are working together. L.O.3 I can use peaceful problem solving to sort out difficulties.

33 The ‘Peaceful Problem Solving Process’ is
shown on the next slide. Before we look at it let’s see how much of the ‘Peaceful Problem Solving Process’ we can remember.


35 You are going to work in a small group to
design a poster to help people remember the strategy. Your task is not simply to design a poster but to be able to work sensibly within a group.

36 Within each group you will need to have chosen……
someone who can act as leader someone who is a reporter someone who is a scribe (recorder) someone who takes note of the time. Before we start let’s think about each of these jobs. Leader - Reporter - Scribe - Timekeeper -

37 What might happen if people do not have a job (a role) within a group?
What sort of things could go wrong? Let’s see.

38 What is going wrong here?

39 Now it is time to get into groups to begin your poster.
Remember the ‘Peaceful Problem Solving Process’ !!!!


41 Now that the activity is finished we can consider how well we worked together by referring to the self-review checklist. Each group will need to complete a copy.


43 I wonder if it is always possible to sort
things out so that everyone feels happy. What do you think? I wonder how we know when to think of ourselves and when to think of others.

44 Let’s share…….. Let’s share a time when you sorted out a problem using peaceful problem solving. What was the problem? What did you do? How did things end up?

45 Let’s share…….. Share a time when somebody made you feel good by something they said or did e.g. (by giving you a ‘friendship token’).

46 Let’s share…….. Share a time when you worked really well as a group. What are the things that people did or said that made the group work well? How did you know that you had worked well?

47 Let’s share…….. Share a time that you were friendly with someone you don’t often speak to. What did you do? What was good about the experience? Did anything surprise you?

48 Let’s share…….. We might record and keep some of these experiences in a folder called “Being a Good Friend”. What do you think?

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