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The Old Stone Age (The Paleolithic Era).

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1 The Old Stone Age (The Paleolithic Era)

2 The Old Stone Age or the Paleolithic Era, was a period of time that lasted until about 10,000 BC.

3 How did man survive? Man survived by hunting animals and gathering roots, berries, leaves, and seeds.

4 Hunting Old Stone Age (Paleolithic Era) people eventually began to hunt in groups. Cave Art showing men hunting in groups These antlers may have been used as a disguise during the hunt.

5 Hunted Animals Mammoth Wild Boar Reindeer

6 Roots, Berries, and Other Plant Life
Gathering... Roots, Berries, and Other Plant Life Scurvy Grass Crowberry Shabby Inkcaps Wild Cabbage Morel Goosebury

7 Old Stone Age (Paleolithic Era) Tools
Man used stone, wood, and bone tools to survive during the Old Stone Age.

8 Bow found in Denmark Hand Axe Flint Blades used to sharpen tools Bone Harpoon

9 Food Processing using a flint blade to skin an animal
using a flint blade to butcher a carcass

10 Cave Art

11 Lascaux Cave

12 There was another important development – the discovery of fire.
Old Stone Age (Paleolithic Era) Development There was another important development – the discovery of fire There was another important development – the discovery of fire.

13 Many Stone Age people were Nomads, or people who had no settled home.

14 Old Stone Age (Paleolithic Era)


16 The Migration of Man

17 The New Stone Age (The Neolithic Era)

18 The New Stone Age (The Neolithic Era)
The New Stone Age or The Neolithic Era lasted until about 5,000 BC.

19 During the Neolithic Era, people began to settle in one place.
The New Stone Age (The Neolithic Era) During the Neolithic Era, people began to settle in one place.


21 New Stone Age (Neolithic Era) Settlement

22 The Development of Agriculture
Agriculture is the raising of crops and animals. The development of agriculture began over a long period of time and in more than one place. People no longer needed to travel great distances to gather food.

23 People learned how to domesticate plants and animals.
To domesticate means to train something to be useful to people. Early people learned to care for plants such as wheat, barley, peas, and lentils. The first farmers also domesticated wild goats, cattle, and sheep.

24 Ancient charred wheat grains are shown in the picture above.
Man domesticated wild wheat.

25 Man began to change his diet and eat grains and small animals.

26 Domesticated Corn Thousands of years ago, an ear of corn did not make much of a meal. (top) It took thousands of years of careful breeding for ears of corn to reach their present size. (bottom)

27 New Stone Age (Neolithic Era) Tools
People still used stone, bone, and wooden tools, but some new tools were added by using copper and bronze.

28 Advanced Tools These early farming tools date back to around 8,000 years ago. The axe, bottom, was used for clearing; flint sickles, left, were used for harvesting cereal crops; a flat rock and rounded stone, center, were used for grinding flour; and perforated clay slabs, upper right, were probably used to ventilate bread ovens.

29 The End

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