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Become a conflict-competent organisation and save money.

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Presentation on theme: "Become a conflict-competent organisation and save money."— Presentation transcript:

1 Become a conflict-competent organisation and save money

2 2 Its simple. Most employers only spend money bringing a serious conflict to a CLOSE Settlement funds for compromise agreements Employment tribunal costs Investigating grievance and disciplinary matters Legal fees

3 3 HR expertise on managing conflicts and supporting managers Most employers invest some money to MANAGE disputes that are causing visible pain.

4 4 And they spend very little to PREVENT conflict in the first instance. Communication skills

5 Get conflict competence by turning the triangle on its head 5 Skill managers and employees to have difficult conversations and build a culture of personal responsibility and dialogue Have access to trained experts to resolve disputes as they arise Build appropriate professional expertise to conclude disputes MANAGE PREVENT CLOSE

6 6 Become conflict competent Save on the human and financial costs of conflict by developing the best CLOSE MANAGE andPREVENT tools for your business. 6 Close conflicts that have escalated to formal processes, robustly and fairly Manage disputes that need a third party intervention, early and skilfully Prevent negative conflicts emerging by building skills to have difficult conversations

7 7 Remember Do not spend money closing conflict down. Invest in managing and preventing conflict instead. It saves money and brings business benefits. To find the cost of conflict and level of conflict competence in your business take the Conflict Profile 8482/ Find the best course of action for you by having a free consultation with CMP Resolutions by calling our head office on 01763 852225 today.

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