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中央大學.資訊管理系 范錚強 mailto: 2014.03 upd
企業的研究—基本理念 中央大學.資訊管理系 范錚強 mailto: upd
大綱 商業的研究 研究倫理 研究者的語言 中央資管:范錚強
第一章 企業的研究 中央資管:范錚強
企業研究的定義 企業研究是決定、取得、分析並傳播相關的資料、資訊的過程,能培養決策制定者的洞察力、動員組織採取適當的行動,進而使企業的績效最佳化 Business research is a systematic inquiry that provides information to guide business decisions. The definition, as expanded by that used by the American Marketing Association, is provided in the slide. Ask students to offer examples of types of decision-making situations that could be addressed using business research. 中央資管:范錚強
企業的研究 研究有助於回應變革 研究有助於降低決策風險 中央資管:范錚強
What’s Changing in Business that Influences Research
企業環境改變 New Research Perspectives Information Overload Technological Connectivity Computing Power & Speed Shifting Global Economics Factors Battle for Analytical Talent Critical Scrutiny of Business Several factors increase the relevance for studying business research. Information overload. While the Internet and its search engines present extensive amounts of information, its quality and credibility must be continuously evaluated. The ubiquitous access to information has brought about the development of knowledge communities and the need for organizations to leverage this knowledge universe for innovation—or risk merely drowning in data. Stakeholders now have more information at their disposal and are more resistant to business stimuli. Technological connectivity. Individuals, public sector organizations, and businesses are adapting to changes in work patterns (real-time and global), changes in the formation of relationships and communities, and the realization that geography is no longer a primary constraint. Shifting global centers of economic activity and competition. The rising economic power of Asia and demographic shifts within regions highlight the need for organizations to expand their knowledge of consumers, suppliers, talent pools, business models, and infrastructures with which they are less familiar. Increasingly critical scrutiny of big business. The availability of information has made it possible for all a firm’s stakeholders to demand inclusion in company decision making, while at the same time elevating the level of societal suspicion. More government intervention. As public-sector activities increase in order to provide some minimal or enhanced level of social services, governments are becoming increasingly aggressive in protecting their various constituencies by posing restrictions on the use of managerial and business research tools. Battle for analytical talent. Managers face progressively complex decisions, applying mathematical models to extract meaningful knowledge from volumes of data and using highly sophisticated software to run their organizations. The shift to knowledge-intensive industries puts greater demand on a scarcity of well-trained talent with advanced analytical skills. Computing Power and Speed. Lower cost data collection, better visualization tools, more computational power, more and faster integration of data, and real-time access to knowledge are now manager expectations…not wistful visions of a distant future. New Perspectives on Established Research Methodologies. Older tools and methodologies, once limited to exploratory research, are gaining wider acceptance in dealing with a wider range of managerial problems. Government Intervention 中央資管:范錚強
Research May Not Be Necessary
Can It Pass These Tests? Can information be applied to a critical decision? Will the information improve managerial decision making? Are sufficient resources available? Business research is only valuable when it helps management make better decisions. A study may be interesting, but if it does not help improve decision-making, its use should be questioned. Research could be appropriate for some problems, but insufficient resources may limit usefulness. 中央資管:范錚強
Characteristics of Good Research
Clearly defined purpose Detailed research process Thoroughly planned design High ethical standards Limitations addressed Adequate analysis Unambiguous presentation Conclusions justified Credentials Exhibit 1-5 presents the characteristics of good business research and also explains what managers should look for in research done by others. You might wish to discuss the concepts here, before you discuss who actually conducts research…or you might want to discuss who conducts research first, followed by this slide to summarize. 中央資管:范錚強
研究目的 很多學生的碩博士論文,都有五個以上的目的 但是,研究結果無法和設定的目的呼應 一個長方形的面積,和其長、寬相關 中央資管:范錚強
Two Categories of Research
Applied Basic (Pure) Applied research applies research to discovering solutions for immediate problems or opportunities. Basic (or pure) research aims to solve perplexing questions or obtain new knowledge of an experimental or theoretical nature that has little direct or immediate impact on action, performance, or policy decisions. 中央資管:范錚強
Four Types of Studies Descriptive Explanatory Predictive Reporting 報導。
是研究嗎? Descriptive 尋找 What Explanatory 尋找 Why/How Predictive 尋找 因果關係 Reporting studies provide a summation of data, often recasting data to achieve a deeper understanding or to generate statistics for comparison. A descriptive study tries to discover answers to the questions who, what, when, where, and, sometimes, how. An explanatory study attempts to explain the reasons for the phenomenon that the descriptive study only observed A predictive study attempts to predict when and in what situations an event will occur. Studies may also be described as applied research or basic research. 中央資管:范錚強
第二章 研究的倫理 保護研究對象 保護研究者、研究機構 保護委託研究單位 未來延續研究的可能 隱私、安全、商業秘密等 訴訟的可能性
避免錯誤決策 未來延續研究的可能 如果「中央資管」某一屆的學生無法履行承諾,學弟妹們呢? 中央資管:范錚強
案例:資訊應用人力的研究 行政院委託 資訊軟體產值 27家公司產值佔了一半 供需 時間很緊迫 例如:微軟、IBM、SAP、鼎新、趨勢…
詢問這些公司往後五年會新聘多少人 乘二 供需 各校學生人數加總 中央資管:范錚強
資訊人力供需研究結論 資訊人力過剩 資管大學部太多 但資工短缺 資管研究所不足 中央資管:范錚強
X Y x y 資訊人力供需研究的問題 需求? 供給? 社會供需 構念層次 推論… 大學/研究所 資工/資管 數量太多太少 實質層次 測量
誤差 測量 y 測量 誤差 數量太多太少 中央資管:范錚強 實質層次
資訊人力供需研究的倫理問題 教育決策 社會印象 專業良心 中央資管:范錚強
Types of Ethical Violations
Violating disclosure agreements Misrepresenting results Breaking confidentiality Deceiving participants Padded invoices Ethics are norms or standards of behavior that guide moral choices about our behavior and our relationships with others. The goal of ethics in research is to ensure that no one is harmed or suffers adverse consequences from research activities. Unethical activities are pervasive and include many types of activities. Some of these are listed in the slide. For some researchers, ethical and legal norms are the same. The text authors feel that legal constraints are the minimum standard but not the ideal. Avoiding legal liability 中央資管:范錚強
Ethical Treatment of Participants
Explain study benefits Explain participant rights and protections Obtain informed consent Research must be designed so that a participant does not suffer physical harm, discomfort, pain, embarrassment, or loss of privacy. This slide lists the three guidelines researchers should follow to protect participants. When discussing benefits, the researcher should be careful not to overstate or understate the benefits. Informed consent means that the participant has given full consent to participation after receiving full disclosure of the procedures of the proposed study. 中央資管:范錚強
Components of Informed Consent
Identify researchers Describe survey topic Describe target sample Identify sponsor Describe purpose of research Promise anonymity and confidentiality Give “good-faith” estimate of required time commitment State participation is voluntary State item-non response is acceptable Ask for permission Exhibit 2-2 illustrates the informed consent procedures used by the Indiana Center for Survey Research. The components highlighted in its procedures are listed in the slide. 中央資管:范錚強
Participant Confidentiality
Obtain signed nondisclosure Non- disclosure of data subsets Restrict access to ID Minimize instruments requiring ID Reveal only with written consent All individuals have a right to privacy, and researchers must respect that right. Once a guarantee of confidentiality is given, protecting that confidentiality is essential. Researchers protect participant confidentiality in several ways. Obtaining signed nondisclosure documents – only researchers who have signed nondisclosure forms should be allowed access to the data. Restricting access to participant identification. Revealing participant information only with written consent. Restricting access to data instruments where the participant is identified. Nondisclosure of data subsets. Methods 2-5 deal with minimizing the chance for a participant to identified and matched with his or her responses. Links between data and identifying information must be minimized. Interview response sheets should be inaccessible to everyone except the editors and data entry personnel. Data collection instruments may be destroyed once data are in a data file. For very small groups, data should not be made available if it would be easy to pinpoint a person in the group. 中央資管:范錚強
第三章:Thinking Like a Researcher
研究精神 語言 想法 中央資管:范錚強
Language of Research Terms used in research Concepts Constructs
Conceptual schemes Models Operational definitions Terms used in research Theory Variables Several terms are used by researchers to converse about applied and theoretical business problems. A concept is a bundle of meanings or characteristics associated with certain concrete, unambiguous events, objects, conditions, or situations. The importance of conceptualization is discussed in the following slide. A construct is a definition specifically invented to represent an abstract phenomena for a given research project. Exhibit 3-1, a depiction of job redesign constructs, is provided in Slide 2-13. A conceptual scheme is the interrelationship between concepts and constructs. An operational definition defines a variable in terms of specific measurement and testing criteria. An example of an operational definition is provided in Slide 2-14. A variable is used as a synonym for the construct being studied. Slides 2-15 through 2-20 expand on different types of variables. A proposition is a statement about observable phenomena that may be judged as true or false. (Slide 2-21) A hypothesis is a proposition formulated for empirical testing. (Slides 2-22 through 2-25) A theory is a set of systematically interrelated concepts, definitions, and propositions that are advanced to explain or predict phenomena. Slide 2-26 shows an example of a theory. A model is a representation of a system constructed to study some aspect of that system. Slide 2-27 shows an example of a model. Propositions/ Hypotheses 中央資管:范錚強
Job Redesign Constructs and Concepts
Exhibit 3-1 Exhibit 3-1 illustrates some of the concepts and constructs relevant to job redesign. The concepts at the bottom of the exhibit (format accuracy, manuscript errors, and keyboarding speed) are the most concrete and easily measured. Keyboarding speed is one just concept in the group that defines a construct that the human resource analyst calls Presentation Quality. It is not directly observable like keyboarding speed. It is a term used to communicate (a label) the combination of meanings presented by the three concepts. Concepts at the next level are vocabulary, syntax, and spelling. As they are related, the analyst groups them into a construct she calls language skill. Language skills is placed at a higher level of abstraction in the exhibit because two of the concepts that comprise it, vocabulary and syntax, are more difficult to observe and measure. The construct of job interest is not yet measured nor are its components specified. Researchers often refer to such constructs as hypothetical constructs because they are inferred only from the data—they are presumed to exist but no measure tests whether such constructs actually exist. If research shows the concepts and constructs in this example to be interrelated, and if the connections can be supported, then the analyst has the beginning of a conceptual scheme. One exercise you can try is to have students attempt to identify the concepts/constructs in the hypothetical construct…job interest, and discuss which elements are truly measurable…and how. 中央資管:范錚強
A Variable Is the Property Being Studied
Event 事件 Act 行動 Variable 變數 Characteristic 特徵 Trait 特質 In practice, the term variable is used as a synonym for the property being studied. In this context, a variable is a symbol of an event, act, characteristic, trait, or attribute that can be measured and to which we assign categorical values. The different types of variables are presented on the following slides. Attribute 屬性 中央資管:范錚強
Religious affiliation
Types of Variables Dichotomous Male/Female Employed/ Unemployed Discrete Ethnic background Educational level Religious affiliation Continuous Income Temperature Age For the purposes of data entry and analysis, we assign numerical values to a variable based on that variable’s properties. Dichotomous variables have only two values that reflect the absence or presence of a property. Variables also take on values representing added categories such as demographic variables. All such variables are said to be discrete since only certain values are possible. Continuous variables take on values within a given range or, in some cases, an infinite set. 中央資管:范錚強
變數 類別 大小 等距 等比 例如:工學院、文學院、管理學院… 例如:Yes and No 喜不喜歡,從 1 到 7 溫度 長度
Independent and Dependent Variable Synonyms
x y Dependent Variable (DV) Criterion Presumed effect Response Predicted to…. Consequence Measured outcome Independent Variable (IV) Predictor Presumed cause Stimulus Predicted from… Antecedent Manipulated Exhibit 3-2 Exhibit 3-2 presents the commonly used synonyms for independent and dependent variables. An independent variable is the variable manipulated by the researcher to cause an effect on the dependent variable. The dependent variable is the variable expected to be affected by the manipulation of an independent variable. 中央資管:范錚強
Relationships Among Variable Types
x: 自變數 y: 依變數、因變數 Interaction effects: 互動效果、調節效果 z: 調節變數 Moderator 中央資管:范錚強
Relationships Among Variable Types
控制變數 干擾變數、混淆變數 中央資管:范錚強
Relationships Among Variable Types
IVV: Mediator 中間變數、中介變數 Mediating effects: 中介效果 中央資管:范錚強
Propositions 命題 and Hypotheses 假說
Brand Manager Jones (case) has a higher-than-average achievement motivation (variable). Brand managers in Company Z (cases) have a higher-than-average achievement motivation (variable). Generalization A proposition is a statement about observable phenomena that may be judged as true or false. A hypothesis is a proposition formulated for empirical testing. A case is the entity or thing the hypothesis talks about. When the hypothesis is based on more than one case, it would be a generalization. Examples are provided in the slide. 中央資管:范錚強
Characteristics of Strong Hypotheses
Adequate A Strong Hypothesis Is Testable The conditions for developing a strong hypothesis are more fully developed in Exhibit 3-4. Better than rivals 中央資管:范錚強
Sound Reasoning Types of Discourse Exposition Argument Deduction
Induction Exposition consists of statements that describe without attempting to explain. Argument allows us to explain, interpret, defend, challenge, and explore meaning. There are two types of argument: deduction and induction. Deduction is a form of reasoning in which the conclusion must necessarily follow from the premises given. The next slide provides an example of a deductive argument. Induction is a form of reasoning that draws a conclusion from one or more particular facts or pieces of evidence. Slide 2-8 illustrates an inductive argument. 中央資管:范錚強
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