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Presentation on theme: "Manorialism."— Presentation transcript:

1 Manorialism

2 What was manorialism? The economic system during the Middle Ages.


4 A manor was the lord’s estate.
Included one or more villages and the surrounding lands. A manor was self-sufficient.

5 The Lord owned the manor and the peasants and serfs lived on the manor and worked the land.

6 Responsibilities of the peasants and serfs for the Manor.
Farm and cultivate crops Repair the lord’s roads bridges and fences. Give payments to the Lord (in the form of grain, fruit, honey ,eggs or chickens) when they got married, used the local mill, or inherited land. They owed a tithe which was a church tax.



9 A fief or manor was the land given by the King to a lord, or given by a lord to a knight.
The land was run by peasants and serfs who were to be protected by the Lord or Knight. Each Fief had A castle A village Plots of land to farm Forests Mills, bridges, roads etc.

10 What kind of crops did they grow?
Grains Wheat Rye Barley Oats Vegetables Peas Beans

11 What problems did Peasants and Serfs face?
Grueling workloads Hunger Poverty Illness Malnutrition

12 Three-Field System two fields planted, one left fallow (empty) to regain fertility


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