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Feudalism and Manorialism

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1 Feudalism and Manorialism
The social, political, and economic systems of the middle ages.

2 The Middle Ages or Medieval Period
( 500 CE CE.) New Kingdoms are unable to protect themselves from Barbarian Invasions- a need for localized protection Fall of the Western Roman Empire Rise of New Kingdoms/States that are not united The Rise of Feudalism in Europe

3 Vikings, Muslims and Magyars Invasion Map

4 Feudalism A political and social system where lords and serfs had specific responsibilities. This system existed because of no strong central government. (There were still kings– they were just weak!)

5 Feudalism Lord- a ruler or wealthy person (you lead)
Serf- a peasant (you follow) Vassal- a knight (you protect)

6 Feudalism Continued! The serf would give the lord their land in exchange for protection. The lord would give the land to a vassal to protect the serfs A grant of land was called a fief.

7 Commendation Ceremony
The act of homage Bareheaded Weaponless Kneeling Hands clasped The oath of fidelity

8 The Feudal Pyramid

9 Feudalism continued Lords make promises to each other called treaties
Some of these treaties come from marriage As more lords join together, some are more important than others (barons, earls, kings, etc)

10 Feudalism continued Kings were especially wealthy lords
Upper nobility and clergy could be lords and vassals Lesser nobility (knights) were vassals Everyone else is a serf

11 Feudalism continued Everyone benefits!
Fiefs were separated into large farms known as manors Typically a knight was the lord of the manor

12 Manorialism Manorialism- the economic system of feudalism
Economic system- the means of producing, distributing, and consuming goods The lord of the manor relies on his serfs to provide labor and goods for the manor

13 Manorialism Continued
Manorialism got its name from the large farms that fiefs were broken into (aka manors). There was very little trade during this time because it was unsafe to leave one’s manor. Since you can’t trade, you make or grow everything you need

14 Manorialism continued
Everything that was needed was produced on one’s manor. Food, clothing, and shelter were all produced on the manor. The land on the manor was shared by a lord and several peasant families.

15 Manorialism continued
The lord kept 1/3 of the land for himself which was known as his domain. The peasants/serfs farmed the remaining 2/3 of the land. In return for being allowed to work the land the peasants gave the lord some of their crops, farmed his land, and also paid taxes.

16 The Parts of a Manor A manor house (where the lord lived)
Farming lands Woodlands (to hunt) Pastures (for cattle) A village A church A home for the priests A mill (used to grind grains into flour) An oven.


18 Manorialism Continued
Fields become unproductive without fertilizer (Nile, Yellow, Tigris, and Euphrates rivers provided new soil, but not in Europe) The solution: crop rotation 3 fields in each manor, only plant 2. 1 lays fallow (without crops)

19 Manorialism Everything is produced in the manor
If you don’t grow it or make it, it isn’t there Eventually the manors become towns (Paris, London, etc) As the towns get larger, jobs become specialized (bakers, shoemakers, blacksmiths)

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