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Preliminary slide.

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Presentation on theme: "Preliminary slide."— Presentation transcript:

1 Preliminary slide

2 ‘Have you ever thought that breakfast doesn’t simply come from a box?’

3 Cereals are grasses grown for their grain
Cereals are grasses grown for their grain. At first the leaves look like grass.

4 As they grow taller heads of grain develop on the stems of wheat

5 It ripens and changes colour from green to gold.

6 Eventually it’s ready for harvesting.

7 Huge combine harvesters cut the crop.

8 Combine Harvester close up

9 Inside the Combine Harvester the grain is separated from the straw and chaff.

10 The wheat is carried from the field in trailors to be safely stored.

11 The grain is then milled into flour

12 And used to make Breakfast Cereals

13 Shredded Wheat

14 Here are oats.

15 They are rolled and put into boxes ready to make porridge

16 Box of rolled oats.

17 Porridge Oats

18 Corn (or maize) is used to make Cornflakes

19 Breakfast reminds us that cereal crops are vital for a healthy diet.

20 Let’s be thankful for a bowlful of harvest!

21 Closing slide


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