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Spontaneous breakdown (SB) of symmetry

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1 Spontaneous breakdown (SB) of symmetry
real scalarj     Z2 symmetry     SB  v.e.v. field redefinition    mass of x : +fermion y   chiral symmetry  mass term :forbidden fermion mass generation by SB mass of y : complex scalar field f    global U(1) symmetry    SB  v.e.v. field redefinition    masses of x, c : c : Nambu-Goldstone boson

2 If a symmetry under continuous group is
broken spontaneously, the system includes a massless field. Goldstone Theorem The massless particle is called Nambu- Goldstone field. +fermion y   chiral U(1)×U(1) symmetry   mass term : forbidden fermion mass generation by SB mass of y : Higgs mechanism  complex scalar field f, U(1)gauge field Am   U(1) gauge symmetry    v.e.v. SB  field redefinition    mass of A' The gauge boson mass is generated. mass of x The NG boson c is absorbed by A'.

3 Non-Abelian Gauge Theory
SU(2) gauge field   SU(2) gauge symmetry    transformation   invariant Lagrangian density   

4 Spontaneous Breakdown of Non-Abelian Gauge Symmetry
SU(2) gauge field   SU(2) doublet complex scalar    real field    SU(2) gauge symmetry    transformation   (t i : Pauli matrix)  invariant Lagrangian density    V potential   V = +

5 V potential   V + =

6 微分  2m 2|f| +4l|f|3= 0    If m2<0 the lowest energy state (the vacuum state) occurs at The vacuum violates SU(2) gauge symmetry spontaneously. vacuum expectation value (v.e.v.) redefinition  x, c i : real Then

7 redefinition  x, c i : real Then





12 (v+x)2    [   gt jW'mj gt iW'jm  ]22   




16 mass of W' The gauge boson mass is generated. mass of x The gauge boson becomes massive by absorbing NG boson c.

17 Weinberg Salam Model SU(2)×U(1)gauge symmetry SU(2) gauge field   U(1) gaugefield    Higgs field   complex scalar, SU(2) doublet  Yf=1  quark lepton Lorentz group SU(3)   SU(2)   U(1)hypercharge quark lepton quark lepton 3 1 2 1/3 -1 4/3 3 1 1 -2/3 -2 Lagrangian density   

18 Lagrangian density   

19 If m2<0 the vacuum is at SU(2)×U(1)gauge sym. is broken spontaneously    v.e.v.


21 = gauge field mixing  Weinberg angle mass of gauge fields mass of x W & Z get massive absorbing c.

22 Am:electromagnetic field
The electromagnetic U(1) gauge symmetry is preserved. , electromagnetic coupling constant = gauge field mixing  Weinberg angle mass of gauge fields mass of x W & Z get massive absorbing c.

23 Am:electromagnetic field
The electromagnetic U(1) gauge symmetry is preserved. , electromagnetic coupling constant electroweak boson kinetic terms and self-interactions

24 gauge-boson fermion interaction terms

25 gauge-boson fermion interaction terms (QCD含む)   

26 Yukawa interaction fermion mass term

27 diagonalization diagonal Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix Maki-Nakagawa-Sakata matrix +h.c. +h.c.

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