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Jazan Community College Accreditation Experience

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1 Jazan Community College Accreditation Experience
Professor Sultan Al-Hazmi JCC Dean and Chair of the Accreditation Committee

2 Presentation Outline Introduction to JCC Accreditation Process
Candidate Application Getting COE Candidacy Fulfilling Responsibilities of Candidacy Preparation of the Self Study Report Accreditation Visit After the Accreditation visit Dedicated to Community Service

3 JCC Accreditation Process
Announcing the accreditation process Forming a quality and accreditation unit Forming an accreditation team Conducting workshops for staff Dedicated to Community Service

4 JCC Accreditation Process
Getting university approval on the accreditation body Applying formally to the accreditation body Getting COE candidacy Preparing and sending the Self Study Report Preparing for accreditation team visit Team Report Commission Vote for accreditation Dedicated to Community Service

5 The “Why” of Accreditation
Jazan University orientation and support To fulfill the Vision and Mission of JCC Dedicated to Community Service

6 Vision “Developing highly employable graduates who have a firm grasp of all academic and practical skills and are well qualified to work in different practical fields. This college emphasizes student- oriented, transferable learning, enabling students to achieve work, career and personal success. It provides high quality, student friendly and easily accessible educational services. We are highly effective and flexible in responding to the demands of the private and public sectors in our region.” Dedicated to Community Service

7 Mission “JCC is committed to preparing a generation of outstanding cadres in a variety of fields; a generation able to shoulder the responsibility and capable of innovation and to meeting the labor market interests. This is to be attained through providing high quality education and training contributing to the development of environment and the community service while increasing the efficiencies of graduates through holding specialized training courses.” Dedicated to Community Service

8 Candidate Application
Answer all COE questions Complete all requested charts and reports Submit a total of 6 copies of application Include payment check Dedicated to Community Service

9 Getting COE Candidacy Commission reviews candidate application
Approve candidacy Defer a vote and request additional documents Deny candidacy Council notifies JCC of Commission action JCC granted candidacy on June 27, 2011 Dedicated to Community Service

10 JCC Certificate of Candidacy for Accreditation
Dedicated to Community Service

11 Abou Arish Branch Certificate of Candidacy for Accreditation
Dedicated to Community Service

12 Council on Occupational Education (COE)
Established in 1971 Based in Atlanta, Georgia, USA Assures quality in career and technical education Recognized by the U.S. Department of Education Dedicated to Community Service

13 Institutions in Saudi Arabia Accredited by COE
Jeddah Community College King Abdul Aziz University Makkah Community College Umm Al Qura University Riyadh Community College King Saud University Tabuk Community College Tabuk University Dedicated to Community Service

14 COE Candidate Institutions in Saudi Arabia
Jazan Community College Jazan University Buraidah Community College Al Qassim University Al Kharj Community College Al Kharj University Dedicated to Community Service

15 Fulfilling Responsibilities
of Candidacy Prepare a Self Study Report Pay annual dues Effect no substantive changes during candidacy period Host the accreditation visit within 24 months of the candidacy date Dedicated to Community Service

16 Preparation of Self Study Report
Preparation of hard and electronic copy Describes how: JCC complies with the standards and criteria of COE Each program complies with COE standards Dedicated to Community Service

17 Preparation of Self Study Report
Involves the participation of all JCC staff Requires 6-12 months to prepare Orients COE Commission on JCC programs Dedicated to Community Service

18 Accreditation Standards
10 out of 11 COE standards apply to JCC Each has different criteria in the assessment of programs Institutional Mission 6. Physical Resources 2. Educational Programs 7. Financial Resources 3. Program and Institutional Outcomes 8. Human Resources 4. Strategic Planning 9. Organizational Structure 5. Learning Resources Student Services and Activities Dedicated to Community Service

19 Accreditation Visit Team will be assigned by COE
Dates will be chosen by JCC Confirm SSR an accurate reflection of the institution Verify JCC programs and services All JCC staff will be interviewed Oral report will be issued at exit meeting Formal report will be submitted to COE Dedicated to Community Service

20 After the Accreditation Visit
Council will send a copy of team report to JCC JCC will submit a response to COE Commission will review the SSR, team report, and JCC response. Dedicated to Community Service

21 After the Accreditation Visit
Then, COE will : Vote to accredit Defer and request additional information Deny Dedicated to Community Service

22 Benefits of Accreditation
Quality education Increased awareness of best practices Improved future compliance with standards Stronger internal relationships Wider professional participation More effective methods of planning for improvement Dedicated to Community Service

23 Difficulties in data gathering Adding workload on staff
Difficulties Faced Resistance to change Difficulties in data gathering Adding workload on staff Making infrastructural facelift needs Dedicated to Community Service

24 Thank you very much For Comments:
Dedicated to Community Service

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