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Using DISC to understand your Team and Community Area

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1 Using DISC to understand your Team and Community Area
Chris May

2 Personality I am a spirit, I have a soul, I live in a body.
Character is built and developed by the choices we make Personality is a part of the soul – it is innate, created by our Father. It determines how we see and interact with the world and people.

3 Not everyone is like you!
Guess What? Not everyone is like you!

4 SO………….

5 DISC D Dominant, Driving, Doer I Inspiring, Interesting, Interactive
S Supportive, Steady, Stable C Cautious, Competent, Careful Outgoing: DI People Oriented: IS Reserved: CS Task-Oriented: DC DISC

6 2 1 OR Active Thoughtful OR Questioning Accepting

7 Active & Questioning Active & Accepting Thoughtful & Questioning Thoughtful & Accepting

8 1 2 OR Fast-paced & Outspoken Cautious & Reflective OR Questioning & Sceptical Accepting & Warm

9 Fast-paced & Outspoken
Questioning & Sceptical Accepting & Warm Accepting & Warm Cautious & Reflective Questioning & Sceptical Cautious & Reflective


11 Fast paced Direct questions Will tell you what they know Will want to take control of a conversation Poor listener Smiley, friendly Walk fast, talk fast High energy/enthusiastic Open with their body language Will quickly start talking about themselves Wants and enjoys recognition  Slow pace Controlled in their movement Listen intently Conversation style is relaxed Ask how you are Reluctant to talk about themselves Ask in depth and specific questions Will nod their heads when listening They will scan a room/analyse paperwork Work best independently Private with personal life

12 Understanding “D” personalities
Priorities: Results Action Competency Is bothered by: Wasted time Small talk Too many details Indecisiveness Lack of control Challenges to their authority Trusts: Confidence Communicating to “D” personalities Strategies: Use a confident no-nonsense approach Get to the point Give them options and a sense of control Convey respect for their authority Show a desire to help them get immediate results Emphasise : Immediate outcomes The bottom line Efficiency, ease of use Profits, savings

13 Understanding “I” personalities
Priorities: Enthusiasm Action Relationships Is bothered by: Dry or dull analysis Too many details Cold or detached people Loss of approval Negativity or pessimism Trusts: Openness Communicating to “I” personalities Strategies: Use an upbeat and lively approach Give them a chance to tell their stories Be open to disclosing information about yourself Show empathy for their concerns Demonstrate how your offering helps other people Emphasise : Testimonials Ease of use Exciting opportunities How your offering makes them look good

14 Understanding “S” personalities
Priorities: Sincerity Relationships Dependability Is bothered by: Pressure Pushy people Uncertainty Unpredictability Sudden change Conflict Trusts: Kindness Communicating to “S” personalities Strategies: Use a casual and low-pressure approach Show warmth and sincerity Present information in a step by step manner Allow them space and time to process information Provide reassurance Emphasise : Ongoing support Examples from the past Stability and security Warranties, service plans, guarantees

15 Understanding “C” personalities
Priorities: Quality Competency Dependability Is bothered by: Emotional or illogical people Personal questions Overly enthusiastic presentations Pressure Emotional appeals Trusts: Expertise Communicating to “C” personalities Strategies: Use an objective approach Go through details Have evidence to back up your claims Use logic to connect your solutions to their problems Give them a chance to show their knowledge Emphasise : Quality, high standards Your expertise Logical reasons Evidence of reliability

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