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Using Source Material: Student Response Tool

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1 Using Source Material: Student Response Tool

2 Using Source Material-Student Response Tool
Using source material is a key move in college and career writing. This response tool is intended to help your students use sources to support their argument stance. This tool is a student version of the Using Sources Tool. It includes a common language for your classroom. This tool is designed for students to reflect on their own writing as they plan for revision. The following slides are a model for guiding students in responding to their writing in order to revise their argument for sources. Use the link attached to Student Response Tool to print the tool for students.

3 Modeling the Using Source Material Student Response Tool

4 Modeling the Using Source Material- Student Response Tool
Pass out the student sample of the Wild Horses on demand writing task. Pass out the student self-reflection sources tool. Pass out 2 different colored highlighters. Guide students through each number of the self-reflection source tool and discuss as a class each answer.

5 Before We Begin… Highlight the claim.
If there is not a clear, debatable, defensible claim then and revise the claim.

6 Student Response Tool 1. I will read the written response to the prompt. As I read, highlight (in a different color than your claim) any words that are not the writer’s own or any information that comes from someone else. *If there is not any information that is not the author’s own, then we will need to STOP, read back over the text set to add in evidence to support the claim.

7 2. Now that we have read the response, does the writing use information from other sources? Look for any highlighted words. (Circle one) No Sources (No information is used from any of the articles.) One Source (Information is used from one of the articles.) Two Sources (information is used from two of the articles.) Three or More Sources (Information is used from three or more of the articles.)

8 3. When using ideas or information from others, how often is credit given (tell the readers where/who the information comes from) to those sources? (Circle one) See examples on the next 2 slides. The next 2 slides gives students examples of what giving credit does and does not look like.

9 Credit is NOT given. “At this time, about 40,600 wild horses roam lands in 10 Western states.” or At this time, about 40,600 wild horses roam lands in 10 Western states.

10 Credit is given. According to the U.S. National Wild Horse and Burro Advisory Board, “at this time, about 40,600 wild horses roam lands in 10 Western states.”

11 4. How often does the writer use quotation marks to indicate where source material is used?
1. Direct quotes must include quotation marks “”and give credit to the source. 2. Paraphrasing must be in your own words and give credit to the source. See examples on the next slide.

12 Direct Quote: According to the U. S
Direct Quote: According to the U.S. National Wild Horse and Burro Advisory Board, “At this time, about 40,600 wild horses roam lands in 10 Western states.” Paraphrase: Based on a New York Times Wild Horse article by Dan Frosch, the West holds almost 50,000 wild horses on its land.

13 5. Before the source material is used, how often does the writer introduce the writer introduce the quote with his or her own writing? According to the U.S. National Wild Horse and Burro Advisory Board, “at this time, about 40,600 wild horses roam lands in 10 Western states.” The government is seeking “advice on how to best keep the number of horses from growing too rapidly—because the lands cannot support larger herds,” says the U.S. National Wild Horse and Burro Advisory Board.

14 6. After the source material is used, does the writer comment on it or explain it? (Circle one)  
According to the U.S. National Wild Horse and Burro Advisory Board, “at this time, about 40,600 wild horses roam lands in 10 Western states.” Because of this high population of wild horses, the land cannot support such a significant number of herds which will result in food and water shortages.

15 7. When quoting from source material, how often does the writer explain why the source is credible or is not credible? Example: Dr. Guy Palmer, a veterinarian at Washington State University and the chairman of the committee that conducted the study on fertility control drugs on horses recently stated, “it [fertility control] needs to be used in a consistent, widespread manner, which has not been done today.”  

16 8. Does the Writer Use Source Material for Any of These Purposes?
Illustrating Authorizing Extending Countering None of the Above

17 Next Steps

18 9. Based on our reading and our responses here, what do you see as the next steps for this writer?
Look at questions 2-8. Which areas could the writer improve? List them here. What is the writer ready to try? List here. For example: commenting, using quotations marks, providing credit when paraphrasing, using more sources, etc.

19 Now it is YOUR Turn Pull out the argument you are working on.
Use the Student Response Tool to assess your writing in its current state just as we did with the Wild Horse prompt. I will walk around to support you and answer any questions.

20 Your Turn!

21 Revision Once you have # 9 completed on the Student Response sheet. Choose up to 3 things you want to try again or new things you want to try. What skill does your writing need first? What comes next?

22 Sticky Note Revision Begin with the first skill you chose.
Use the sticky notes to add your revisions and place on your paper where it belongs. Move on to the next skill, revise on sticky note, and place on paper. Give students sticky notes for revisions. Sticky note revision samples are included on the next 2 slides.

23 Claim revision- In my opinion, not often people decide whether school should start early or not, but in my condition school should start later. Quote revision- “First, many teens would have extra time doing their homework more and part-time jobs.” said Ben Zabrowski

24 Paraphrasing Revision.
Quote Revision

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