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IRI Data Library Faceted Search: an example of

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1 IRI Data Library Faceted Search: an example of
RDF-based faceted search for climate data Drawing on multiple ontologies to build an application Using inference to connect ontologies describing different parts of the framework

2 Faceted Search
Again as an example, here is a user interface built on that ontological structure

3 Distinctive Features of the search
Search terms are interrelated terms that describe the set of returns are displayed (spanning and not) Returned items also have structure (sub-items and superseded items are not shown)

4 Architectural Features of the search
Interface is generated from a set of Terms connected to a set of Items Multiple search structures possible Multiple languages possible Search structure is kept in the database, not in the code

5 Search Interface as Multiple Ontologies
Additional Semantics Dataset Ontology Search Ontology Datasets Search Interface Users

6 Ontology Types Attribute Ontology (e.g. Dataset)
Object Ontology (essential for crosswalk) Term Ontology (e.g. search ontology)

7 Attribute Ontology Subjects are the only type-object
Predicates are “attributes” Objects are datatype Isomorphic to simple data tables Isomorphic to netcdf attributes of datasets Some faceted browsers: predicate = facet

8 Object Ontology Objects are object-type Isomorphic to “belongs to”
Isomorphic to multiple data tables connected by keys Express the concept behind netcdf attributes which name variables Concepts as objects can be cross-walked Concepts as object can be interrelated

9 Example: controlled vocabulary
{variable} cfatt:standard_name {“string”} Where string has to belong to a list of possibilities. {variable} cfobj:standard_name {stdnam} Where stdnam is an individual of the class cfobj:StandardName

10 Example: controlled vocabulary
Bi-direction crosswalk between the two is somewhat trivial, which means all my objects will have both cfatt:standard_name and cfobj:standard_name

11 Example: controlled vocabulary
If I am writing software to read/write netcdf files, I use the cfatt ontology and in particular cfatt:standard_name If I am making connections/cross-walks to other variable naming standards, I use cfobj:standard_name

12 Term Ontology Concepts as individuals
Simple Knowledge Organization System (SKOS) is a prime example The ontology used here is slightly different than SKOS: facets are classes of terms rather than being top_concepts

13 Nuanced tagging Concepts as objects can be interrelated: specific terms imply broader terms Object ends up being tagging with terms ranging from general to specific. Search can then be nuanced tagging can proceed in absence of perfect information

14 Faceted Search Explicated
Now let’s revisit the search interface, looking at the semantics and architecture behind it.

15 Search Interface Items (datasets/maps) Terms Facets Taxa

16 Search Interface Semantic API
{item} dc:title dc:description rss:link iridl:icon dcterm:isPartOf {item2} dcterm:isReplacedBy {item2} {item} trm:isDescribedBy {term} {term} a {facet} of {taxa} of {trm:Term}, {facet} a {trm:Facet}, {taxa} a {trm:Taxa}, {term} trm:directlyImplies {term2}

17 Faceted Search w/Queries

18 RDF Architecture queries queries queries Virtual (derived) RDF RDF

19 IRI RDF Architecture MMI Data Servers Ontologies JPL bibliography
Start Point Standards Organizations RDF Crawler Location Canonicalizer RDFS Semantics Owl Semantics SWRL Rules SeRQL CONSTRUCT Time Canonicalizer Sesame Search Queries Search Interface

20 Cast of Characters NC – netcdf data file format
CF – Climate and Forecast metadata convention for netcdf SWEET - Semantic Web for Earth and Environmental Terminology (OWL Ontology) IRIDL – IRI Data Library

21 CF attributes NC basic attributes IRIDL attributes/objects CF data objects CF Standard Names (RDF object) SWEET Ontologies (OWL) Location CF Standard Names As Terms IRIDL Terms SWEET as Terms Search Terms Gazetteer Terms

22 See Also

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