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State Homeland Security and Emergency Management

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1 State Homeland Security and Emergency Management
Session 5

2 State Emergency Management Agencies
Director is POC for governor Plan and implement state mutual aid agreements FEMA liaison Intrastate responsibilities Implementation of federal standards (e.g., NIMS)

3 Example: Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency (PEMA)
Office of Homeland Security Disaster Assistance (public and individual) Oversight of Programs and Services Hazard mitigation 911 program Community and State Planning (emergency plans, dam safety, prison planning, hazard vulnerability) Nuclear power plant safety HAZMAT preparedness

4 Example: PEMA Oversight of Programs and Services (cont.)
Volunteer Organizations Active in Disasters (PaVOAD) Urban Search and Rescue Intrastate Mutual Aid (PA Act 93 of 2008) Local Emergency Management programs Warning and communication systems Training and Certification Grants and Management

5 PEMA Urban Search and Rescue
Pennsylvania Task Force (PA-TF1): >210 personnel; 1/28 certified, operational and deployable federal assets of the National Urban Search and Rescue System for FEMA/DHS.

6 PEMA: Intrastate Mutual Aid
Authorized by Pennsylvania Act 93 of 2008 Establishes Intrastate Mutual Aid Committee PEMA Director appoints members, 2 year term Chair: PEMA Director or designee State Fire Commissioner and Director, Bureau of Emergency Health Services, Department of Health Career fire, voluntary fire, EMS (3 each) 3 County EM agency directors, (1 from each PEMA area, recommended by area director)

7 Intrastate Mutual Aid Committee (membership continued)
State Police Chiefs, state Fraternal Order of Police, PA State Police (1 each) Elected members of state county and municipal government associations (1 per association) County-based 911 programs (3 representatives) Pennsylvania State Coroners Association (1)

8 Intrastate Mutual Aid System (PA Act 93 of 2008 continued)
All political subdivision unless they elect not to participate (can join later) Consult with local fire and EMS re: local emergency needs Identify hazards by common criteria Conduct joint planning, intelligence gathering and threat assessment Implement NIMS and PEMA incident management standards

9 Intrastate Mutual Aid System (PA Act 93 of 2008 continued)
Assistance: requests and responses Provisions and procedures follow model of interstate mutual aid from federal legislation: Emergency Management Assistance Compact (EMAC) of 1996: Public Law

10 Emergency Management Special District Governments
Example 1: Allegheny County EMA

11 Allegheny County EMA Emergency Management Organization

12 Allegheny County EMA Training, investigation services and emergency management response Operate emergency telecommunications network Emergency response teams, fire investigation units, fire code compliance and the fire training academy Includes 130 boroughs, townships and municipalities

13 Emergency Management Special District Governments
Example 2: PA Region 13 Task Force 13 SW PA counties Unified HS task force Natural and CBRNE Mutual aid Coordinated intergovernmental response to regional events

14 PEMA Warning and Communication Systems
Emergency Management Network (EMnet) Primary path: Satellite-based Emergency Alert System (EAS) via media with FCC ‘city-of-license’ Secondary EAS source path: Fiber optic backbone (Pennsylvania Public Television Network) regional LP-1/LP-2 affiliate facilities users EMnet: text and audio; EAS: text only Satellite Emergency Voice Alerting Network (SEVAN): geosynchronous satellite-based

15 PEMA Warning and Communication Systems (cont.)
Pennsylvania Statewide Telecommunications and Alerting System (PaStar) Satellite communications, server, network Data sharing, reporting and analysis RACES: Amateur radio operators provide EM communications Integrated Flood Observing and Warning System (IFLOWS) Collaboration with National Weather Service

16 PEMA Grants Management (State and Federal)
Emergency Management Performance Grant Flood Mitigation Assistance Program (FMAP) Hazardous Materials Emergency Preparedness Planning and Training Grants Hazardous Materials Response Fund IFLOWS Pre-Disaster Mitigation Program (PDM)

17 PEMA Grants Management (State and federal, cont.)
Radiation Transportation Emergency Response Fund (RTERF) Radiological Emergency Response Fund (RERF) Repetitive Flood Claims Program (RFC) Severe Repetitive Loss Program (SRL)

18 PEMA Training and Certification
Train state, county, and municipal public safety personnel Increase public awareness of hazards Provide classes, seminars and exercises Partnership with community colleges, training academies and universities ( )

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