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PSHEE and Citizenship Produced as part of the Partnership Development Schools (PDS) Strategy Phase 3 2008-09 (Lead PDS: The Park Community School. Contact.

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Presentation on theme: "PSHEE and Citizenship Produced as part of the Partnership Development Schools (PDS) Strategy Phase 3 2008-09 (Lead PDS: The Park Community School. Contact."— Presentation transcript:

1 PSHEE and Citizenship Produced as part of the Partnership Development Schools (PDS) Strategy Phase (Lead PDS: The Park Community School. Contact Chris Ley

2 PSHEE Personal, social, health and economic education (PSHE) is a non statutory National Curriculum programme of study which brings together personal, social and health education, work-related learning, careers, enterprise, and financial capability. There are two recent non-statutory programmes of study at key stages 3 and 4: personal wellbeing and economic wellbeing and financial capability. The programmes of study are based on the Every Child Matters outcomes. Draw out the links between ECM and PSHEE

3 Approaches Different Schools adopt different mechanisms to deliver PSHEE The models of delivery are diverse (e.g. PSHEE may be delivered as a discrete subject or as a part of the Group Tutorial programme). Outline different approaches and ask for consideration of the pros and cons

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