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Leadership Fundamentals Charting Your Own Development

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1 Leadership Fundamentals Charting Your Own Development
Ellen Hewett November 12, 2018

2 Session Goals Distinguish the difference between leadership and management Explore the characteristics of effective leadership Assess your leadership style Start to develop a personal leadership action plan

3 Leadership and Management
A manager is someone who: -Plans and budgets; -Organizes and allocates resources; -Controls and solves problems; -Directs people. A leader is someone who: -Shares a vision; -Aligns and influences; -Guides direction; -Motivates and inspires.

4 Leadership and Management

5 Values

6 Leadership Styles Leadership appears in many different forms in organizations, sports, and even in our personal lives. The type of style used may depend on the leader and the follower and the organization’s mission. Other factors such as age, gender, environment, and personality can also affect the type of leadership practiced. There are many different dimensions to leadership.

7 Assess Share

8 3 Key Leadership Styles Authoritarian leadership is characterized by individual control over all decisions and little input from group members. Participative/democratic leadership invites input from staff on all company decisions. Laissez-faire leadership is a hands-off style and allows staff to make most of the decisions.

9 Authoritarian Authoritarian leadership works well for
Employees who require close and constant supervision Situations when quick decisions are needed But, doesn’t always work well for Creative types Growing employees’ skills or responsibilities Highly-experienced and competent employees

10 Participative/Democratic
Democratic leadership works well for Making employees’ opinions feel valued Getting a number of ideas on the table Utilizing your employees’ expertise But, doesn’t always work well for Quick decisions Data-driven decisions Inexperienced teams

11 Laissez-faire Laissez-faire leadership works well for
Highly-experienced and trained employees who require little supervision Remote employees Employees who are already passionate and motivated But, doesn’t always work well for Growing employees Employees who require direction Employees who lack knowledge or experience

12 Thoughts

13 Practice Exercise

14 Elements of a Leadership Plan
Current strengths as a leader Opportunities for improvement as a leader Plans to improve over the next month: goal and steps Plans to improve over the next 2 months: goal and steps Plans to improve over the next 6 months: goal and steps Plans to improve over the next year

15 Building Your Leadership Action Plan

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