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Formular Projekti Forumi i Mesuesit Novator, Shkurt 2014 Text

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Presentation on theme: "Formular Projekti Forumi i Mesuesit Novator, Shkurt 2014 Text"— Presentation transcript:

1 Formular Projekti Forumi i Mesuesit Novator, Shkurt 2014 Text
Tirane, 28 Shkurt 2014

2 Name of Project: Emri & Mbiemri Shkolla Website I shkolles
Pershkrim I shkurter I shkolles Website I shkolles Fusha e studimit Mosha e nxenesve Objektivat e projektit

3 Ambjenti ne te cilin kryhet ky projekt
Pershkrim I Projektit Pershkrim I shkurter I projektit. Ambjenti ne te cilin kryhet ky projekt Shembuj te planifikimit, krijimtarise, praktikave inovative, perdorimit te teknologjise, bashkepunimit dhe komunikimit ne grup. To embed a project resource or materials Have the resource document available. From the Insert menu choose Object. Select Create from File… and click Browse…. Find the file you want to include and click OK. Select Display as icon and click Change Icon… and add a suitable caption. Click OK to add the caption and click OK to embed the file. Use the Action button on the Insert ribbon to activate the object. Use Hyperlinks to link to websites, audio and video that show . Do not embed video or audio, use links to video hosting sites or your school site. Open the Word documents by double clicking the icons. Clicking Save in Word will save the changes. Please ensure that you have the full permission to use any images and video, as this project will be in the public domain.

4 Shembuj te mesimnxenies
Shembuj te produkteve gjate projektit – duke perfshire edhe perdorimin e teknologjise pergjate projektit. Deri ne c’mase e kane perdorur nxenesit teknologjine ne ndihme te procesit mesimore? Si ka qene perdorimi I mjeteve dixhitale ne favor te permiresimit te procesit mesimor? Shtoni materiale dhe video nga projekti

5 Mendimi kritik gjate projektit
Shembuj gjate te cilit mendimi kritik eshte perdorur ne interpretime, analiza dhe sinteza. Procesi mesimor tek mureve te klases Shembuj te projektit kur eksperienca mesimore ka shkuar tej mureve te klases.

6 Bashkepunimi Shembuj mbi menyren sesi nxenesit kane bashkepunuar jo vetem me njeri-tjetrin, por edhe me te tjere jashte shkolles, ne komunitet, e me gjere. Perdorimi I teknologjise ne procesin mesimor Shembuj nga perdorimi I teknologjise gjate ketij projekti, menyrat sesi teknologjia ndihmon procesin mesimor e me gjere.

7 Educator as Innovator and Change Agent
In environments where innovative teaching is challenging, have innovative teaching practices and ICT been used in instrumental ways to change how students learn. Does the educator demonstrate evidence of continuous improvement in their professional practice, model lifelong learning and exhibit leadership in their school and professional community by supporting other educator’s development and understanding of the impact on learning of the effective use of digital technologies?

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