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Table of Contents What Is Magnetism? Inside a Magnet Magnetic Earth.

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Presentation on theme: "Table of Contents What Is Magnetism? Inside a Magnet Magnetic Earth."— Presentation transcript:

1 Table of Contents What Is Magnetism? Inside a Magnet Magnetic Earth

2 Magnetic Fields - What Is Magnetism?
Magnetic field lines spread out from one pole, curve around the magnet, and return to the other pole.

3 Magnetic Fields - What Is Magnetism?
When the magnetic fields of two or more magnets overlap, the result is a combined field.

4 Magnetic Field Lines Activity
- What Is Magnetism? Magnetic Field Lines Activity Video (overview of everything): (read as a class): ** Practice Quiz

5 The Atom - Inside a Magnet
An atom contains neutrons and positively charged protons in its nucleus. Negatively charged electrons move randomly throughout an atom.

6 Magnetic Domains - Inside a Magnet
In a magnetized material, all or most of the magnet domains are arranged in the same direction.

7 Magnetic Domains - Inside a Magnet
Modern magnets come in a variety of shapes and are made from many different materials.

8 Making and Changing Magnets
- Inside a Magnet Making and Changing Magnets Each piece of a magnet retains its magnetic properties after it is cut in half.

9 Earth as a Magnet - Magnetic Earth
Just like a bar magnet, Earth has a magnetic field surrounding it and two magnetic poles.

10 Earth as a Magnet - Magnetic Earth
The location of Earth’s magnetic poles does not stay the same. Video:

11 Movement of Earth’s Magnetic Poles
- Magnetic Earth Movement of Earth’s Magnetic Poles Earth’s magnetic poles move slowly over time. The data in the table show the position of Earth’s magnetic north pole in specific years.

12 Movement of Earth’s Magnetic Poles
- Magnetic Earth Movement of Earth’s Magnetic Poles Interpreting Data: What is the trend in the speed of the pole’s movement? The average speed of the pole’s movement is increasing.

13 Movement of Earth’s Magnetic Poles
- Magnetic Earth Movement of Earth’s Magnetic Poles Calculating: What is the total distance the pole has traveled over the time shown? Between 1948 and 2001, the pole has moved 857 km (150 km km +120 km km km).

14 Movement of Earth’s Magnetic Poles
- Magnetic Earth Movement of Earth’s Magnetic Poles Predicting: Using the data, predict the average speed of the pole’s movement between 2001 and Explain. The average speed increased by 23 km/yr from 1994 to That is an increase of 3.3 km/yr per year. There are 9 years between 2001 and Therefore, a good prediction is that the average speed in 2010 will be 29.7 km/yr.

15 Earth’s Magnetic Field
- Magnetic Earth Earth’s Magnetic Field When molten material hardens into the rock of the ocean floor, the direction of the Earth’s magnetic field at that time is permanently recorded.

16 The Magnetosphere - Magnetic Earth
The solar wind causes Earth’s magnetic field to stretch out on the side of Earth not facing the sun.

17 Building Vocabulary - Magnetic Earth
Using a word in a sentence helps you think about how best to explain the word. After you read the section, reread the paragraphs that contain definitions of Key Terms. Use all the information you have learned to write a meaningful sentence for each Key Term in your own words. Key Terms: Examples: solar wind magnetosphere aurora Key Terms: Examples: compass The sun sends out a stream of electrically charged particles called the solar wind. Christopher Columbus used a compass to navigate in 1492. magnetic declination The magnetosphere is shaped by the solar wind. Magnetic declination is that angle between two imaginary lines from the geographic North Pole and the magnetic north pole. An example of an aurora is the Northern Lights. Van Allen belts The Van Allen belts are doughnut-shaped regions above Earth’s surface.

18 Click the Video button to watch a movie about auroras.
- Magnetic Earth Auroras Click the Video button to watch a movie about auroras.

19 More on Earth’s Magnetic Field
- Magnetic Earth More on Earth’s Magnetic Field Click the button for an activity about Earth’s magnetic field.

20 Graphic Organizer Magnets Magnetic fields Magnetic domains
produce have atoms grouped in Magnetic fields strongest at mapped by Magnetic domains Magnetic field lines The poles

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