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Patient MedicalRecord Vitals Appointment Payment Bill Bank Insurance

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1 Patient MedicalRecord Vitals Appointment Payment Bill Bank Insurance
-patientID {PK} -fName -lName -ssn -insuranceInfo -medicalRecord updateInformation(visitInfo) updateMedicalRecord() addInsuranceInfo() addBill() scheduleAppointment() getBills() findPatient(patientInfo) addPatient(patientInfo) getMedicalRecord() send (message) getAppointments() MedicalRecord -patientID {PK} -medicationsGiven -vitalList -examResults updateMedicalRecord() addVital(vital) addExamResult() addPrescription(data) updatePrescription() printPrescription() Vitals -patientID {PK} -dateTaken -timeTaken -bloodPressure -heartRate -temperature -breathingRate Appointment -patientID {PK} -date -time -doctor -attended reschedule(date,time) createAppointment(date,time) 1 1 0..* 1 0..* 1 +theVitalsTaken +theMedicalRecord +apts Payment -amount -processedFlag 0..* 1 +theBills 0..* +thePaymentsDone Bill -patientID {PK} -status -balance -payments addPayment(p) deletePayment(p) processPayments() sendBill() Bank -amount -processedFlag -routingNumber confirmTransaction() 1 Insurance -amount -processedFlag -companyID confirmTransaction() Cash -amount

2 Explanation of Design Class Diagram:
Appointment: Used to save the information of the appointments. They can be rescheduled and they provide a method to create them providing date and time. Patient: This is the main controller class for the whole system. It contains all the patient information and has methods to get and update a patient’s medical records, add their insurance information, bill them, schedule appointments. The patient class contains a list of appointments, a list of all bills and the patient’s medical record. Bill: Contains information about the amount of money a patient owes, it contains all payments done so far, the current balance and it also contains functionality to send a bill through . It uses the Payment class and contains a list of the payments done. Payment: This is a parent class for all the payment types (Cash, Insurance and Bank). For cash payments, only the amount paid is saved into the objects. The insurance and bank payment classes contain a method to confirm the transaction through the third parties (Bank or Insurance company) MedicalRecord: This class contains all information about a patient’s medical record. It contains the vitals taken in each appointment, exam results for the patient and medications prescribed. It has functionality to add new vital readings, add a prescription to a patient, print the prescription, add exam results. This class contains a list of Vitals objects. Vitals: This class contains the vital information of a patient’s visit, their blood pressure, heart rate, temperature, breathing rate and the date and time when the vitals were taken for the patient. This class is used only to store the information, thus it does not has any methods. Each Patient is assigned to zero or many appointments and each appointment can only be assigned to one patient. Each Patient is assigned zero or many collection of bills, and each bill can be sent to one and only one patient. Each Patient can have one and only one medical record, and each medical record can be owned by one and only one patient. Each medical record contains zero or a collection of all the vitals taken from the patient in each appointment, and each vital can belong to one and only one medical record A bill can be various payment methods, and each payment method can be used for one and only one bill. Payments can be in the form of Cash, Insurance company payment and Bank payment

3 Relational Database Schema,
Patient (patientID {PK}, fName, lName, ssn, insuranceInfo, medicalRecord) MedicalRecord (patientID , medicationsGiven, vitalList, examResults) Foreign key (patientID) references Patient(patientID) Appointment( patientID , date, time, doctor, attended) Vitals (patientID, dateTaken, timeTaken, bloodPressure, heartRate, temperature, breathingRate) Bill (patientID , status, balance, payments)

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