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Managerial Economics Jack Wu

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1 Managerial Economics Jack Wu
Monopoly Managerial Economics Jack Wu

2 Market Power Definition: ability to influence price
monopoly -- single supplier of good or a service with no close substitute oligopoly -- few suppliers monopsony -- single buyer oligopsony -- few suppliers

3 Sources of Market Power
unique resources human natural intellectual property patent Copyright economies of scale / scope product differentiation government regulation

4 Monopoly: Marginal Revenue and Price
250 infra-marginal units 150 130 demand (marginal benefit) Price ($ per unit) 70 marginal revenue 50 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.4 1.6 2 -50 Quantity (Million units a year)

5 Revenue, Cost, and Profit

6 Monopoly: Profit Maximum, I
Operate at scale where marginal revenue = marginal cost

7 Monopoly: Profit Maximum, II
250 demand (marginal benefit) 150 130 Price ($ per unit) 70 marginal revenue 50 marginal cost 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.4 1.6 2 -50 Quantity (Million units a year)

8 Monopoly: Profit Maximum, III
contribution margin = total revenue less variable cost profit-maximizing scale: selling additional unit does not change the contribution margin

9 Demand Change Find new scale where marginal revenue = marginal cost
should change price new scale and price depend on both new demand and costs

10 Prozac: Demand Reduction
250 200 Price ($ per unit) 150 marginal cost 100 original demand 50 new demand 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2 new marginal revenue Quantity (Million units a year)

11 Cost Change Find new scale where marginal revenue = marginal cost
change in MC --> should change price (but less than change in MC) change in fixed cost --> should not change price or scale

12 Reduction in Marginal Cost
200 demand 150 marginal revenue original marginal cost Price ($ per unit) 100 new marginal cost k 50 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2 -50 Quantity (Million units a year)

13 3G Licensing “There’s good and bad in auctioning off spectrum … it may raise costs for telecoms providers” Anthony Wong, Director- General, OFTA, Hong Kong How does one-time license fee affect price and scale of operations?

14 Advertising benefit of advertising -- increment in contribution margin
advertising elasticity = % increase in demand from 1% increase in advertising

15 Advertising: Profit Maximum
Profit-maximizing advertising/sales = incremental margin x advertising elasticity incremental margin = (price - MC)

16 Prozac: Advertising Competition from generics would
reduce incremental margin raise advertising elasticity

17 Coke vs Pepsi, Nov. 1999 Coke Pepsi raised prices by 7%
increased advertising and other marketing Pepsi raised price by 6.9% what about advertising?

18 Answer Pepsi should increase advertising expenditure for two reasons:
price increase --> increase in incremental margin; Pepsi’s increase in advertising will attract some marginal consumers -- those who are brand- switchers, relatively less loyal to Pepsi/Coke; so Coke’s demand will be more sensitive to advertising (higher advertising elasticity)

19 Dollar General “Our customer lives within three to five miles of the store, knows we’re there” cut advertising from 3.8% to 0.2% of revenue sales dropped but profit rose

20 Market Structure, I (a) Perfect Competition (b) Monopoly demand demand
60 Price (Cents per unit) Price (Cents per unit) marginal cost 30 30 supply marginal revenue 300 150 Quantity (Million units a year) Quantity (Million units a year)

21 Market Structure, II Relative to competitive market, monopoly
sets higher price produces less earns higher profit

22 Competitiveness entry and exit barriers
perfectly contestable market -- sellers can enter and exit at no cost Lerner Index (incremental margin percentage) -- measures the degree of actual and potential competition

23 Monopsony buyer with market power restricts purchases to depress price
trades off marginal expenditure marginal benefit

24 Monopsony Scale marginal expenditure supply Price ($ per ton)
400 supply 350 Price ($ per ton) 273 marginal benefit 6 8 Quantity (Thousand tons a year)

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