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Scripture Focus: Hebrews 4:14 – 5:10 The Better Way: Hebrews

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Presentation on theme: "Scripture Focus: Hebrews 4:14 – 5:10 The Better Way: Hebrews"— Presentation transcript:

1 Scripture Focus: Hebrews 4:14 – 5:10 The Better Way: Hebrews
No Other Gospel: Galatians 8: THE BETTER HIGH PRIEST Scripture Focus: Hebrews 4:14 – 5:10

2 The Better Way: Hebrews
No Other Gospel: Galatians 8: THE BETTER HIGH PRIEST The Word to Live By: Since we have a great high priest who has gone through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold firmly to the faith we profess. Hebrews 4:14

3 The Better Way: Hebrews
No Other Gospel: Galatians 8: THE BETTER HIGH PRIEST Session Truth: Jesus, our Great High Priest, takes us into the presence of God the Father.

4 What are the characteristics of an effective mediator?
The Better Way: Hebrews No Other Gospel: Galatians 8: THE BETTER HIGH PRIEST What are the characteristics of an effective mediator?

5 What attributes make Jesus a “great high priest”?
The Better Way: Hebrews No Other Gospel: Galatians 8: THE BETTER HIGH PRIEST What attributes make Jesus a “great high priest”?

6 What is the benefit of having Jesus as our High Priest?
The Better Way: Hebrews No Other Gospel: Galatians 8: THE BETTER HIGH PRIEST What is the benefit of having Jesus as our High Priest?

7 What was the role of the high priest?
The Better Way: Hebrews No Other Gospel: Galatians 8: THE BETTER HIGH PRIEST High Priest Quiz What was the role of the high priest? What were two major qualifications to be high priest?

8 The Better Way: Hebrews
No Other Gospel: Galatians 8: THE BETTER HIGH PRIEST High Priest Quiz What made the high priest sympathetic to those he represented? For whom did the high priest offer sacrifices?

9 How did Jesus become our High Priest?
The Better Way: Hebrews No Other Gospel: Galatians 8: THE BETTER HIGH PRIEST How did Jesus become our High Priest? Who was Melchizedek? What prophecy about Melchizedek was fulfilled by Jesus? How was Jesus like Melchizedek?

10 What emotions did Jesus express in prayer?
The Better Way: Hebrews No Other Gospel: Galatians 8: THE BETTER HIGH PRIEST What emotions did Jesus express in prayer? What did Jesus learn from His suffering? Who is “the source of eternal salvation”?

11 At what times do we need someone to speak for us?
The Better Way: Hebrews No Other Gospel: Galatians 8: THE BETTER HIGH PRIEST At what times do we need someone to speak for us? When should we speak on behalf of others? What can happen if people have no one to speak for them?

12 The Better Way: Hebrews
No Other Gospel: Galatians 8: THE BETTER HIGH PRIEST What difference does it make in your life knowing you have Someone who will speak to the Father for you?

13 in the center of Your will.
The Better Way: Hebrews No Other Gospel: Galatians 8: THE BETTER HIGH PRIEST The Center of His Will Prayer Lord, I long to live in the center of Your will. Show me what is right, and enable me to do it.

14 Give me a right perspective
The Better Way: Hebrews No Other Gospel: Galatians 8: THE BETTER HIGH PRIEST The Center of His Will Prayer Give me a right perspective on life, and teach me to care about the things that matter to You.

15 and let me give myself faithfully in Christlike ministry to others.
The Better Way: Hebrews No Other Gospel: Galatians 8: THE BETTER HIGH PRIEST The Center of His Will Prayer Empower me for service, and let me give myself faithfully in Christlike ministry to others. I pray in Christ’s strong name. Amen.

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