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The Epistles & The Practical Christian Life

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1 The Epistles & The Practical Christian Life
Class 4 The Pastoral Epistles © John Stevenson, 2008

2 Paul’s Epistles & Theology
Course Outline Week One Week Two Week Three Week Four Week Five Intro to Paul; Epistles as a genre Paul’s Epistles & Theology The General Epistles Life & Death Doctrinal Epistles Pastoral Epistles

3 Session Objectives Use basic hermeneutical principles for interpreting and applying epistles. See the Big Idea of the Pastoral Epistles. Continue developing skills to assess aspects of current worldview, ethical practice, and church life in light of theological principles taught in the epistles.

4 Foundational Epistles
Prison Epistles Prophetic Epistles Pastoral Epistles Romans 1 Corinthians 2 Corinthians Galatians Ephesians Philippians Colossians Philemon 1 Thessalonians 2 Thessalonians 1 Timothy 2 Timothy Titus Christ & the cross Christ & the church Christ & second coming Christ & the congregation Soteriological Christological Eschatological Ecclesiological

5 Authorship of the Pastoral Epistles
Not questioned until early 1800’s. Absent from Marcion’s canon. Absent from P46, one of earliest Pauline manuscripts. Vocabulary and style notably different from Paul’s other epistles.

6 Role-Play A member of your church has been taking a college class in which he has been told that the Pastoral Epistles are not authored by Paul. What would you say?

7 The First Epistle to Timothy
From Father to Son

8 Macedonia ASIA MINOR GREECE  Ephesus

9 In the face of false teachings
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapters 3-4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Instructions… In the face of false teachings Timothy’s mission in Ephesus (1:2-5). The Problem: Teachers of the Law (1:6-11). Thanksgiving for God’s mercy (1:12-17). Timothy’s commission (1:18-20)

10 In the face of false teachings
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapters 3-4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Instructions… In the face of false teachings About men and women A call for men to pray (2:1-8). A call for women to adorn themselves modestly and with good works (2:9-15)

11 In the face of false teachings
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapters 3-4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Instructions… In the face of false teachings About men and women For leaders Qualifications for leaders (3:1-16) False teachers (4:1-11) Personal instructions to Timothy (4:12-16)

12 In the face of false teachings
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapters 3-4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Instructions… In the face of false teachings About men and women For leaders About the elderly Honor to the elderly (5:1-2) Care for widows (5:3-16) Honor for elders & leaders (5:17-25)

13 In the face of false teachings
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapters 3-4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Instructions… In the face of false teachings About men and women For leaders About the elderly In the face of false teachings Slaves & Masters (6:1-2) Those who seek financial profit (6:3-10) A charge to personal faithfulness (6:11-16) Instructions to the rich (6:17-19) Conclusion (6:20-21)


15 Adorning the Gospel of God
The Epistle to Titus Adorning the Gospel of God

16 Nicopolis  Crete

17 TITUS – Adorning the Doctrine of God
1:1-9 1:10-16 2:1-10 2:11-15 3:1-15 Leaders Laity True Leaders Paul, a bond-servant of God, and an apostle of Jesus Christ, for the faith of those chosen of God and the knowledge of the truth which is according to godliness, (Titus 1:1). Opening Salutation (1:1-4).

18 TITUS – Adorning the Doctrine of God
1:1-9 1:10-16 2:1-10 2:11-15 3:1-15 Leaders Laity True Leaders …in the hope of eternal life, which God, who cannot lie, promised long ages ago, 3 but at the proper time manifested, even His word, in the proclamation with which I was entrusted according to the commandment of God our Savior; Opening Salutation (1:1-4). avyeudhj qeoj

19 TITUS – Adorning the Doctrine of God
1:1-9 1:10-16 2:1-10 2:11-15 3:1-15 Leaders Laity True Leaders Opening Salutation (1:1-4). Titus’ Job Description: To appoint elders in every city (1:5). Qualifications for elders/overseers (1:6-9)

20 TITUS – Adorning the Doctrine of God
1:1-9 1:10-16 2:1-10 2:11-15 3:1-15 Leaders Laity True Leaders False Teachers The Problem of Rebellious Men (1:10-11) The Testimony of Rebellious Men (1:12-13). The Solution for Rebellious Men (1:13-16)

21 TITUS – Adorning the Doctrine of God
1:1-9 1:10-16 2:1-10 2:11-15 3:1-15 Leaders Laity True Leaders False Teachers Instructions to Various Groups Old men Old Women Young Women Young Men Titus as an example Slaves

22 TITUS – Adorning the Doctrine of God
1:1-9 1:10-16 2:1-10 2:11-15 3:1-15 Leaders Laity True Leaders False Teachers Instructions to Various Groups Living for the appearing of Jesus The Grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation… Instructing us… To deny ungodliness To live… Looking for the appearing of Jesus

23 TITUS – Adorning the Doctrine of God
1:1-9 1:10-16 2:1-10 2:11-15 3:1-15 Leaders Laity True Leaders False Teachers Instructions to Various Groups Living for the appearing of Jesus Living in the light of Jesus Reminder to do good works Reason for good works A Call to good works Rejection of those who cause divisions A practical exercise in good works


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