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A war between Britain and China that

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1 A war between Britain and China that
began in 1839 and ended in 1842 was called the Porcelain Opium Gunpowder Fortune Cookie

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4 A result of the Opium war were a series
of treaties that China was forced to sign and required them to make more concessions than they received were called the. Unequal Treaties Fair and Just Treaties Intolerable Treaties Treaty of Versailles

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7 A rebellion that lasted from 1850 to 1864
and was caused by the harsh treatment of the Chinese people by Western nations was known as the. Beijing Rebellion Boxer Rebellion Opium Rebellion Taiping Rebellion

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10 The policy that allowed western nations
Easy access to China was called the Broken Window Back Door Open Door Open Port

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13 Bending over backwards
To demonstrate their superiority over foreign people, Chinese Emperors would ask them to kneel and bow so that their forehead touched the ground. This was called Curtsey Bowing Kowtow Bending over backwards

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16 What did western nations call the
rebellion that occurred in 1900 led by a secret Organization called the righteous and Harmonious fists. Boxer Taiping Canton Opium

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19 The Chinese leader who helped create and
First led the Nationalist party in China was Nanjing Mao Zedong Chiang Kai-shek Sun Yat-sen

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22 Another name for the Chinese nationalist Party was the.
Red Army Guomindang Formosa Lo Fan

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25 The next leader of the Guomindang or
Nationalists who defeated the warlords and set up a democratic government in Nanjing Chiang Kai-shek Empress Dowager Deng Xiaping Mao Zedong

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28 The leader of the communist party was.
Empress Dowager Deng Xiaping Sun Yat-sen Mao Zedong

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31 Mao Zedong built the Red Army by Recruiting which group of people
Peasants Urban workers Foreigners Wealthy land owners

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34 The communist retreat in 1927 led by Mao
Zedong was 6,000 miles and 100,000 people died was called the Long Hike Long March Silk Road Great Leap Forward

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37 After their defeat by the communists in
1949, the Nationalists fled to this island. Taiwan Hong Kong Jakarta Japan

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40 The 1958 communist economic plan to improve production in China was
called the Cultural Revolution Open Door Four Modernizations Great Leap Forward

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43 To help eliminate his political enemies,
He launched this program. Young people Across China were encouraged to attack Anyone who spoke out against Mao Zedong Four Modernizations Cultural Revolution Great Leap Forward Mao’s Doctrine

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46 Mao Zedong wrote his favorite sayings
and quotes in this, which was widely popular in China Communism for dummies Communist Manifesto Mao’s History Little Red Book

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49 Before the Opium War, China only allowed
Europeans to trade in one port. This port City was Canton Beijing Nanking Shanghi

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52 Congratulations

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