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Week 3 Warm-Ups English 12 Mrs. Fountain.

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Presentation on theme: "Week 3 Warm-Ups English 12 Mrs. Fountain."— Presentation transcript:

1 Week 3 Warm-Ups English 12 Mrs. Fountain

2 Monday: Parts of Speech
although some people doubt that shakespeare actually wrote the works attributed to him plenty of evidence indicates that he did

3 Monday: Parts of Speech
although- subordinating conjunction attributed- participle to- preposition some- adjective him- pronoun people- noun plenty- noun doubt- action verb (present) of- preposition evidence- noun that- noun clause identifier indicates- action verb (present) shakespeare- proper noun actually- adverb wrote- action verb (past) he- pronoun the- article did- action verb (past) works- noun

4 Tuesday: Sentence Parts and Phrases
although some people doubt that shakespeare actually wrote the works attributed to him plenty of evidence indicates that he did

5 Tuesday: Sentence Parts
Subject- people; Shakespeare; plenty Verb- doubt (transitive); wrote (transitive); indicates (transitive); did (intransitive) Direct Object- that shakespeare actually wrote the works attributed to him; works; that he did Participial Phrase- attributed to him Prepositional Phrase- to him; of evidence Object of Preposition- him; evidence

6 Wednesday: Clauses and Sentence Type
although some people doubt that shakespeare actually wrote the works attributed to him plenty of evidence indicates that he did

7 Wednesday: Clauses and Sentence Type
Dependent Clauses although some people doubt that shakespeare actually wrote the works attributed to him that he did Independent Clauses: plenty of evidence indicates Sentence Type: Complex Declarative

8 Thursday: Correction although some people doubt that
shakespeare actually wrote the works attributed to him plenty of evidence indicates that he did

9 Thursday: Correction Although some people doubt that Shakespeare actually wrote the works attributed to him, plenty of evidence indicates that he did.

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