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Interest Dr. Anshul Singh Thapa.

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1 Interest Dr. Anshul Singh Thapa

2 Meaning and definition
The word interest is derived from the Latin word means “it matters or concerns”. As a concept of motivation, interest is considered as a driving force behind attention. Murphy & Davidshafer (1991) define interest as “response of liking” the response is not inherited; it is a learned affective response to an object or an activity. As a simple psychological phenomenon interest is a matter of individual liking.

3 General characteristics of interest
Interest is the matter of liking It is deriving force behind attention It is generally a learned response Interest vary from individual to individual and in the same person from time to time. Interest can be used to predict choices, especially when there are few external constraints. Interests differ in terms of their specificity. Interest fluctuate in the same object or activity depending upon other variables

4 Types of Interest Interest are of two type:
Instinctive interest are natural. They are part and parcel of the inherent core of behavior (instinctive tendency). The driving force behind instinctive interest is the organic energy present in all individual. All the individuals are normally and naturally interested in food seeking, love, sex, fight, escape etc. though the degree of expression of these tendencies are largely dependent upon the interplay of internal variables of behaviour at particular point or period of time.

5 Acquired interest are a product of person-environment interaction as well as socio-cultural environment. Hunger is inherited but taste for various foods and cuisines are developed. Similarly all the individuals are born with certain natural derives but he also learns how to channel these derives into likes or dislikes. Precisely, biological derives may be inherited, likes and dislikes for the ways to satisfy them may be learnt.

6 Ways and means of arousing and sustaining student’s interests in physical education and sports
The question of arousing and sustaining students’ interest in physical activity and sports is very vital. There are two approaches to tackling this question: Long Term Approach Short Term approach

7 Long Term Approach In long term approach, Physical Educators, coaches, parents and important people in the society make an effort, both by example and by percept, to arouse children interest in physical activity and sports. It is more or less a social phenomenon where in physical activity and sports became mass movement and people engage in them both as a biological necessity and a social obligation. In fact this approach has a direct link with intrinsic motivation system in which merits, benefits, effect, outcomes and consequences of participation in physical activity are realized and considered important for maintaining a high degree of health, fitness and efficiency so essential for qualitative life.

8 Short Term Approach The short term approach is situational and limited in scope. It is concerned with keeping students or athletes interested or attentive in a particular instructional class. Children’s interest vary from time to time and from activity to activity. Physical educators, and coaches faces variety of interest based problems. They often use personal skills, experience and intelligence to tackle problem of shrinking interest.

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