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Saskatchewan Reads for Middle Years

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1 Saskatchewan Reads for Middle Years
This professional development module for teachers uses Regina Public Schools document as its anchor. Provide a handout of “Regina Public Schools Reads for Middle Years: Big Ideas of Reading”: Document page numbers are referenced on slides Independent Reading Module utilizes “Regina Public Schools Reads for Middle Years: Big Ideas of Reading” document

2 Saskatchewan Reads Background
A support for teachers in meeting the provincial outcome “80% of students will be reading at grade level by 2020.” The work of the Provincial Learning Team teachers, administrators, directors and First Nations authorities A research-based companion document to the ELA curriculum

3 Big Ideas of Reading What are your beliefs about learning to read and teaching reading? Turn and talk Share out Proceed to slide 6 if staff have completed any other module

4 Big Ideas of Reading Skim the section “Overarching Principles” from Saskatchewan Reads (p. 2-3) Check the bullets that concur with your beliefs about learning to read and teaching reading Which statements were new? Share out

5 Goals of Proficient Reading
Read page 4 Proficient readers incorporate all three goals when reading Engaged readers Comprehension Fluency

6 Gradual Release of Responsibility
Page 6 and 7 - Not necessarily a linear process but responsive to student neeed Pg. 6

7 Gradual Release of Responsibility
Teacher models making connections to whole class Teacher and students practice making connections together Teacher works with students who require support for making connections Students practice making connections with independent reading selections Page 6 and 7 Sample strategy: Making Connections Students read independently for comprehension, engagement, and fluency. Students practice using strategies independently with “just-right” self-selected texts. Teacher monitors, supports, and confers with individuals.

8 Independent Reading TASK: Thumbs up if you agree with the following statements: Independent reading is…. Silent. Active. Students reading on their own without purpose with the teacher modelling silent reading. The teacher observing individual students’ reading behaviors, conferring with student about their reading, and keeping records of their observations and conversations.

9 Independent Reading TABLE TASK: Review the table on pg. 16
Discuss ‘KNEW’ (what you already knew) Discuss ‘NEW’ (what you learned)

10 Independent Reading Choosing Texts Purpose
Inclusive and culturally responsive Wide range of engaging and relevant texts Students self-select just right texts with teacher guidance and support Purpose To consolidate, practice, and reflect on learned skills and strategies To foster competent and confident readers To apply B-D-A reading strategies Page 15 B-D-A: before reading, during reading, after reading Pg. 15

11 (Conferring: The Keystone of Reader’s Workshop, Patrick Allen)
Video “Conferring serves to individualize our instruction, move children from guided to independent practice, and provide daily opportunities to know – really know – our students.” (Conferring: The Keystone of Reader’s Workshop, Patrick Allen) This video demonstrates one-on-one conferring during independent reading: Video: (Seravallo – follows architecture of a conference) (3:38) Conferring Recording Form

12 Management and Assessment
Sample Schedule Assessment Record keeping

13 Sample Schedule Language Arts minutes per week:
Grades 1-5: 560 minutes Grade 6: 510 minutes Grades 7-8: 300 minutes Time Group # 9:10-9:30 Whole Group Instruction: mini-lesson (modelled and shared reading) 9:30-9:50 Guided Reading / Conferring Reading/Writing Reading 9:50-10:10 Writing Instead of working with a guided reading group, a teacher can opt to confer with individual readers about their self-selected texts and reading goals.

14 Assessment Student data is gathered through observation and conferencing with students. Teachers utilize tools including checklists, anecdotal records, reader response, reading inventories and surveys. Teacher gathers evidence and provides feedback on strategies, goals, text selection and stamina.

15 Sample Record-Keeping
Conversations Observations Products Examples of tools: Observation/Conversation checklist (handout)

16 Other Record-Keeping Tools
Conferring Recording Sheet Reader Response Prompts Reading Inventory Other tools can be used to engage students in independent reading: - conferring recording sheet and binder reader response prompts and journal reading inventory

17 Sample Resources Nelson Literacy Reading Power
Sample Nelson Literacy independent reading lesson plan (note: guided reading lessons are used for independent reading lessons for those students who are able to read and complete the tasks independently) Sample Reading Power independent reading lessons

18 Reflection Questions How does the information gained through individual conferences impact whole and small group instruction? How do I organize my independent reading block to gather information and provide feedback in an effective way? Pg. 15

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