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Conservation Habits = Healthy Habitats

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Presentation on theme: "Conservation Habits = Healthy Habitats"— Presentation transcript:

1 Conservation Habits = Healthy Habitats
2010 NACD/Auxiliary Poster Contest Promo Powerpoint Conservation Poster Contest 2010 If you need additional information contact: Susan Schultz NACD Stewardship & Education

2 2010 NACD/Auxiliary Poster Contest Promo Powerpoint
Conservation Habits = Healthy Habitats Is the 2010 theme for NACD Stewardship Week And for the poster contest. Additional information at

3 2010 NACD/Auxiliary Poster Contest Promo Powerpoint
What is a habitat? Name some habitats: What is a habitat? the environment in which an animal or plant normally lives or grows Name some habitats:

4 Habitats in your backyard
2010 NACD/Auxiliary Poster Contest Promo Powerpoint Habitats in your backyard Habitats in your backyard. No matter where you live – you have habitats all around you. Name some of the habitat areas at or near your home? Possible items: Trees – for birds, insects and other wildlife Grass for insects, worms and other life Compost piles of leaves to make soil to add to your garden or flower beds and to recycle your leaves into soil And more

5 Habitats at your school
2010 NACD/Auxiliary Poster Contest Promo Powerpoint Habitats at your school Habitats at your school: Every school has an outdoor classroom. When you step outside your schools doors you can see the sky and observe rain running off of a parking lot or sidewalk. You can even take buckets and use them like seats like these students in Virginia. Many schools plant trees and install water features to study in their classes. Can you list what types of habitats you have at your school? REFERENCES: (One bucket at a time program in Virginia by Conservation Districts

6 Habitats in your community
2010 NACD/Auxiliary Poster Contest Promo Powerpoint Habitats in your community Many communities are looking to increase the amount of habitat. They plant trees along streets, improve parking lots by adding vegetation so less water runs off the parking lot and improve the parks for visitors. Can you list some of the habitats you have seen in your community?

7 2010 NACD/Auxiliary Poster Contest Promo Powerpoint
ADD PICTURES FROM YOUR COMMUNITY Examples: Animals, parks, schools, etc.

8 What can you do to add or improve habitat areas?
2010 NACD/Auxiliary Poster Contest Promo Powerpoint What can you do to add or improve habitat areas? What can you do to add or improve habitat areas? Plant trees, learn ways you can keep your water clean, take care of your soil, and provide habitat areas for insects, animals and plants List ideas:

9 How can you provide a habitat?
2010 NACD/Auxiliary Poster Contest Promo Powerpoint How can you provide a habitat? Follow these easy steps and in no time YOU will be providing a home for wildlife! 1.  Make a sketch of the space you are going to make your wildlife habitat and remember that YOU are part of the habitat.  In your sketch be sure to include all the different types of plants and trees, buildings and sidewalks or paths. 2.  Research what types of wildlife and plants are native to your community.  Decide which species you would like to provide a habitat for.  Native species are best because they can survive your soil type and climate. 3.  Add the trees, shrubs and plants you need in your habitat to your sketch.  Make sure you have a good variety.  Some plants will be a good food source, others will be shelter and cover for wildlife.  Evergreens are a great species for year round shelter, trees and shrubs that have fruit or berries are a good food source. 4.  Start planting!  Begin with the trees and follow with shrubs, plants and ground cover.  Remember your research – add native plants to attract native  wildlife

10 Pollinators Need Habitats
2010 NACD/Auxiliary Poster Contest Promo Powerpoint Pollinators Need Habitats Pollinators aren’t just annoying insects, they are an important part of the web of life that we all depend upon for our very survival!  Over 80% of the world’s flowering plants wouldn’t survive if it weren’t for pollinators.  Why do YOU need those flowering plants?  A lot of fruits and vegetables come from flowering plants, 25% of everything we eat and drink…they need to be pollinated.  Even that glass of milk you had with breakfast or the juicy hamburger you ate for lunch depended on pollinators if they came from cattle raised on alfalfa! A lot of medicines come from flowering plants…they need to be pollinated. You couldn’t wear blue jeans without pollinators…cotton plants need to be pollinated. Many animals and birds that are an important part of your ecosystem seek food and shelter in flowering plants…they need to be pollinated! So help provide habitats to increase the number of pollinators. Additional information for your area: Pollinator Guides Backyard Conservation National Wildlife Federation Certify your backyard Community Habitats School Habitats

11 2010 NACD/Auxiliary Poster Contest Promo Powerpoint
Never Litter! And never litter! Which can harm habitats, animals and plants. Think how much nicer our habitats will be without litter – and who causes litter?? Look around and see how litter is impacting your local communities habitats.

12 2010 NACD/Auxiliary Poster Contest Promo Powerpoint
National NACD Poster Contest Sponsored by NACD and NACD Auxiliary Your local poster contest is sponsored by: ____ Prize money _______

13 2010 NACD/Auxiliary Poster Contest Promo Powerpoint
2010 Categories Grades K-1 Grades 2-3 Grades 4-6 Grades 7-9 Grades 10-12 2009 Categories Grades K-1 Grades 2-3 Grades 4-6 Grades 7-9 Grades 10-12 (Update if your district or state contest is different)

14 2010 NACD/Auxiliary Poster Contest Promo Powerpoint
Design your posters using some of these ideas: Habitat around your home Habitat at your school Habitat in your community Pollinators importance to habitats Discuss and share your information with others! Design your posters using some of these ideas: Habitat around your home Habitat at your school Habitat in your community Pollinators importance to habitats Discuss and share your information with others!

15 2010 NACD/Auxiliary Poster Contest Promo Powerpoint

16 2010 NACD/Auxiliary Poster Contest Promo Powerpoint
Poster Ideas Poster Ideas These are some past national poster contest winners Additional posters at

17 What makes a good Poster?
2010 NACD/Auxiliary Poster Contest Promo Powerpoint What makes a good Poster? Attracts attention Is simple and clear Uses colors and white space to get and hold attention Letters are large enough to be easily read Attracts attention Is simple and clear Uses colors and white space to get and hold attention Letters are large enough to be easily read

18 When forming ideas for your poster
2010 NACD/Auxiliary Poster Contest Promo Powerpoint When forming ideas for your poster Research the topic of the theme Brainstorm ideas and make a list Use the theme as your title Conservation Habits = Healthy Habitats Research the topic of the theme Brainstorm ideas and make a list Think of the theme and use the theme as your title Conservation Habits = Healthy Habitats

19 2010 NACD/Auxiliary Poster Contest Promo Powerpoint
Tips to remember Don’t use too many words Use a combination of illustrations and words Be as neat as you can Blend colors when using crayons or colored pencils Depending on design leave white space on the poster Make sure the poster is balanced Tips to remember Don’t use too many words Use a combination of illustrations and words Be as neat as you can Blend colors when using crayons or colored pencils Depending on design leave white space on the poster Make sure the poster is balanced

20 2010 NACD/Auxiliary Poster Contest Promo Powerpoint
Tips to remember Choose colors carefully. Note the following general guidelines: - Black tends to be more formal, neat, rich, strong - Blue is cool, melancholy - Purple is considered royal, rich - Yellow tends to be warm, light, or ripe - Green is fresh, young, or growing - White means clean, and neat -Red attracts the eye, is high energy - Orange attracts the eye Choose colors carefully. Note the following general guidelines: - Black tends to be more formal, neat, rich, strong - Blue is cool, melancholy - Purple is considered royal, rich - Yellow tends to be warm, light, or ripe - Green is fresh, young, or growing - White means clean, and neat -Red attracts the eye, is high energy - Orange attracts the eye

21 2010 NACD/Auxiliary Poster Contest Promo Powerpoint
Tips to remember Don't try to include too many ideas or activities on your poster.  A single message, clearly illustrated, is more effective Don't try to include too many ideas or activities on your poster.  A single message, clearly illustrated, is more effective

22 Things you should not do
2010 NACD/Auxiliary Poster Contest Promo Powerpoint Things you should not do Cover poster with lamination or other clear covering (Clear covering is OK if chalk type materials or soil paint) Use staples, tacks, or tape Use fluorescent posters Create a poster that is all words or a poster that is all pictures Things you should not do Cover poster with lamination or other clear covering Use staples, tacks, or tape Use fluorescent posters Create a poster that is all words or a poster that is all pictures

23 Steps to follow when making a poster
2010 NACD/Auxiliary Poster Contest Promo Powerpoint Steps to follow when making a poster Decide on information to include on the poster Research the theme topic Sketch out your idea Mark guidelines for lettering (lightly) Clean up the poster so it is neat. Erase any guidelines that are showing. Decide on information to include on the poster Research the theme topic Sketch out your idea Mark guidelines for lettering (lightly) Clean up the poster so it is neat. Erase any guidelines that are showing.

24 Steps to follow when making a poster
2010 NACD/Auxiliary Poster Contest Promo Powerpoint Steps to follow when making a poster Turn poster in on time for judging. Attach poster entry form on the back and be sure it is signed by a parent or guardian. Entry must be contestant's original, hand done creation and may not be traced from photographs or other artists' published works. Steps to follow when making a poster Turn poster in on time for judging. Attach poster entry form on the back and be sure it is signed by a parent or guardian. Entry must be contestant's original, hand done creation and may not be traced from photographs or other artists' published works.

25 Steps to follow when making a poster
2010 NACD/Auxiliary Poster Contest Promo Powerpoint Steps to follow when making a poster Any media may be used to create a flat or two-dimensional effect (paint, crayon, colored pencil, charcoal, paper or other materials). Poster size must be between 8.5" x 11" and 22" x 28". Or the size required by your local or state contest. Any media may be used to create a flat or two-dimensional effect (paint, crayon, colored pencil, charcoal, paper or other materials). Poster size must be between 8.5" x 11" and 22" x 28". Or the size required by your local or state contest.

26 What your poster will be judged on
2010 NACD/Auxiliary Poster Contest Promo Powerpoint What your poster will be judged on Conservation message—50 percent Visual effectiveness—30 percent Originality—10 percent and Universal appeal—10 percent. Conservation message—50 percent Visual effectiveness—30 percent Originality—10 percent and Universal appeal—10 percent National Association of Conservation Districts (NACD)

27 2010 NACD/Auxiliary Poster Contest Promo Powerpoint
“The land ethic simply enlarges the boundaries of the community to include soils, waters, plants, and animals, or collectively: the land.” Aldo Leopold “The land ethic simply enlarges the boundaries of the community to include soils, waters, plants, and animals, or collectively: the land Aldo Leopold

28 2010 NACD/Auxiliary Poster Contest Promo Powerpoint
Visit Stewardship & Education For additional information on NACD Education Material on Habitat, Soil and Water Teachers guide Student booklets and more……………………….. Visit Stewardship & Education For additional information on NACD Education Material on Habitat, Soil and Water Teachers guide Student booklets and more………………………..

29 2010 NACD/Auxiliary Poster Contest Promo Powerpoint

30 2010 NACD/Auxiliary Poster Contest Promo Powerpoint
Speech Add information if you also hold a speech contest on the stewardship theme Date of Speech contest Open for grades Length of speech Contact Information To find information about how to conduct a speech contest visit:

31 2010 NACD/Auxiliary Poster Contest Promo Powerpoint
Essay Add information if you hold an Essay contest on the Stewardship theme. Contest open to grades: Essay length: Due Date: Essays entries are to be sent to: Contact Information To find information about how to conduct an essay contest visit:

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