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Presentation on theme: "S.P.I.E.S."— Presentation transcript:

1 S.P.I.E.S

2 Life is a Journey Each of us are called by God in different ways. We are called to LOVE and SERVE one another throughout our life. S.P.I.E.S is a theory developed to help us understand our call and vocation in life. S - spiritual P - physical I - intellectual E - emotional S - social Ask students to recall the difference between a trip and journey

3 Introduction This unit will focus on developing attitudes and virtues that will help us live a life according to the Beatitudes. S.P.I.E.S. is a method of creating virtuous habits within our daily life. For each letter, choose an example from your own life of how you have lived out each of the virtues. (Think of the good habits you have developed in your life…eg: Spiritual – I make it a priority to talk to God Daily) **Pause and let the students write down items for SPIES**

4 S.P.I.E.S SOCIAL: How I spend my time
Friends, family, activity, relationships Socializing Places to go and things to do Accepting everyone as equal and a part of God’s family PHYSICAL: Distinctive characteristics Height Body type Eye and hair colour Healthy attitude Life choices Take care of our bodies How does the fourth commandment fit into the Physical aspect of SPIES?

5 S.P.I.E.S INTELLIGENCE Thinking and developing ideas
Interests and hobbies Goals Using different Learning Styles to connect with God music People Self EMOTIONAL: How I feel How I act, How I react Temperament, Attitude

6 S.P.I.E.S SPIRITUAL: Prayer, faith Church participation
Reflection, contemplation Inner Peace Values, morals Relationship with God


8 SPIRITUAL  The Christian call is not only to believe in God, but also to enter into a personal, loving and faithful relationship with him. We can get to know Jesus through studying him as a historical person and feeling his presence in our lives.

9 SPIRITUAL Jesus said that whenever two or three were gathered in his name, he would be with them. Therefore, worship is a very good way of getting to know God. Jesus is present physically in the community in the Eucharist. We can act in Jesus’ name (in love and friendship) and see him in the people around us. Jesus is present in our relationships when we act justly, kindly and compassionately.

10 What Do You Believe in Activity?
In a couple of sentences write down what you believe in. Reflect upon the different aspects of your life and use the handout as a guide

11 CREED The Apostle’s CREED Create Your Own!

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