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Housekeeping arrangements (breakout room)

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Presentation on theme: "Housekeeping arrangements (breakout room)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Commissioning Priorities Event 2018/19 Sarah Burns Director of Commissioning

2 Housekeeping arrangements (breakout room)
Hearing Loop arrangements Ground Rules Timings

3 Purpose / Background Our priorities are reviewed regularly We use local and national data to identify where there are issues - data, trends and numbers - views of patients Need to deliver the best services we can from the funding available NHSE reviews our plans to assure them We need feedback from our stakeholders as we deliver our plans Too many areas to include all – focussing on four today

4 What have we been doing this year?
Our Successes Introduced New Urgent Care Services – Extended and Enhanced Primary Care Access GP streaming Further developed new diabetes services for adults Dementia Services – STAR approach Delivering improved quality, innovation, productivity and prevention Speaking to patients about stroke services and recovery New initiative with national funding to decrease the number of women who smoke when pregnant

5 What have we been doing this year?
Our Successes Help to Health Service Developing Teams Around Patients/Primary Care Home Right Care Ophthalmology Services Additional resources for winter Children’s therapies Re-designing dermatology services Less patients managed in hospital – more in community Review of hospices Improving community services SEND Looking at how we integrate children’s therapy provision

6 Our Biggest Challenges for the Next Two Years
Very similar to last year……… Delivering the A&E Target Delivering Cancer Targets Transforming care for patients with Learning Disabilities Delivering high quality services whilst making necessary efficiencies Mortality and Potential Years of Life Lost

7 Some of Our Commissioning Priorities
Urgent and Emergency Care Services Getting people to the right service first time Respiratory Services and Smoking Helping people with respiratory disease to manage their condition and avoid admission to hospital where possible Reducing the number of patients with respiratory disease that smoke Supporting older people Ensure that patients are supported to increase independence and reduce dependence

8 Some of Our Commissioning Priorities
Cancer Improving survivorship after one year of being diagnosed Ensuring people are seen within the nationally recommended waiting times Ensuring uptake of screening Supporting people with cancer (VIDEO)


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