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Monitoring & evaluation in

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1 Monitoring & evaluation in 2014-2020
Ines Hartwig Impact Assessment and Evaluation DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion Brussels, 20 March2014

2 Stronger focus on performance?
All MS and EP agreed that cohesion policy should no longer orient on spending, but on results But achieving results is not sufficient! Monitoring, demonstrating & assessing these results is at least equally important Cohesion Policy 2

3 Monitoring and Evaluation They have different roles to play
observes and informs programme implementation on the basis of quantitative (or qualitative) data and Evaluation identifies and assesses causal linkages of effects observed Cohesion Policy

4 Monitoring system No single system imposed by the Regulations, but
the data shall be recorded and stored in a way that allows the managing authorities to perform the tasks related to monitoring and evaluation in conformity with the requirements set out in Art. 56 (CPR) and Articles 5, 19 and Annex I & II of the ESF Regulation Cohesion Policy

5 Common Indicators 32 indicators in Annex I ESF Regulation
Output and immediate result indicators recorded for all participants/entities/projects and reported annually, except for rural areas and homeless which are only reported in 2017 based on a sample Longer-term result indicators reported only in and 2025 based on a representative sample Distinct samples, recommended to undertake more than one survey for the second reporting date to increase data quality Representativeness against output indicators covering personal data Cohesion Policy

6 Common Indicators Targets for common indicators an option, not an obligation Targets shall be broken down by category of region If a target for common result indicator is set, a reference output indicator must be selected (from a drop-down menu) Target calculation takes into account performance reserve, milestone calculation does not Cohesion Policy

7 Common Indicators Reported as structured data broken down by gender (for participants) & by category of region Delegated act on data to be recorded and stored in computerised form Cohesion Policy

8 Common Indicators Minimum requirement for a participant to be recorded: All personal data must be recorded for each individual, i.e.: gender, employment status, age, educational attainment, household situation A participant is registered only once in an operation. If s/he leaves the operation and returns to the same, this does not count as a new participant. Results to be updated, where applicable Cohesion Policy

9 YEI Indicators 12 YEI indicators, set out in Annex II
They are obligatory in addition to Annex I indicators for all YEI programmes or parts thereof All indicators linked with quantified target values for 2023 For YEI Milestones (2018) and targets (2023) have the same value All indicators broken down by gender but not by category of region (neither Annex I nor Annex II indicators) Cohesion Policy

10 YEI Indicators If YEI covers up to 29 year olds, stresses the need to establish an output indicator covering participants aged years Cohesion Policy

11 Reporting ESF annual implementation reports contain all common indicators broken down per IP selected, reported for men and women, per category of region YEI implementation (submitted in April and after that at the same time as AIR) contain all Annex I and II indicators Reporting on achievement of milestones as of 2017 Cohesion Policy

12 Evaluation One evaluation plan per OP, per group of OPs, per MS
Submitted to monitoring committee the latest one year after adoption of OP Annual report sets out synthesis of evaluation findings Guidance on evaluation plan Guidance on counterfactual impact evaluation Guidance on specific requirements linked to YEI evaluation Cohesion Policy

13 Thanks very much 13

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