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Next Week 10/19 Is The Midterm Group Project

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Presentation on theme: "Next Week 10/19 Is The Midterm Group Project"— Presentation transcript:

1 Next Week 10/19 Is The Midterm Group Project

2 What you must do before next class
Determine 4 business processes from nop Commerce that you will model and consider implementing. Complete your group design document up to and including High-Level Design. (See Syllabus) Prepare a 10 minute presentation of your business processes and its design.

3 The Presentation Keep it to 10 minutes, tops.
Follow the format of your design document Cover what you plan to model, including: Business processes, facts and dimensions How you will conform your dimensions to create an enterprise DW. How you will collect data from the sources / acquire the data for the DW Those things you have yet to figure out I will give you feedback and it is expected you will adjust your Design document accordingly. Final draft of the design document is due by the end of the day.

4 Grading Rubric Performance Criteria Exemplary 10
Complete design document up to / including High-Level Design. Design based on 4 business processes. Organized presentation hits on all key points. Presentation kept to 5-10 minutes. No glaring issues with dimensional model designs. Outstanding 9 Only one of the exemplary criteria not met. This includes one issue with dimensional model design. Satisfactory 8 1-2 exemplary criteria not met. More than 1 issue with dimensional model design. Unsatisfactory 7 or lower 3 or more project criteria are not met. Poor or missing designs.

5 Group Project Work. Take about 15 minutes to discuss the project among your groups. Then we will start lecture afterwards.

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